930 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
paper-money was iasaed in 1236, it was due to his wise adnoe that the issue was limited to 100,000 oances of silver. He eDCOonged literature, and caused the representative of Oonfucios in the Slst generation to be sought out and ennobled. T3ia influence was always on the side of mercy, and he did his best to preyent excessive bloodshed. After the death of Ogotai {q. v.) he did not hesitate to censure the Empress to her face for her abuse of power, eventoalfy dying, some said, of a broken heart. Posthumously ennobled as Prince, and canonised as "^ TF. .
2447 Teh-m Hsi^liang ^ # # ^ (T.?^ "i^). A.D. 1247-1827. Grandson of Yeh-lH Ch'a-ts'ai. At the age of 9 he could compose poetry, and when only 12 accompanied his father Yeh-lfl |ยง Cha into modern SsHch'uan on an expedition with the Emperor Mango. At the death of the latter, father and son proceeded to Shensi; and when Arik-buga (see Kublai Khan) revolted, the father fled to offer his services to the elder brother. Yeh-M Hsi-liang and bis mother were promptly seized by j^ ^j^ j^ Eondukai, and carried off to Ean-chou in Kansuh. When Eondukai was killed in battle} he fell into the power of 0^ ^ >I5 ^ Earabuka, who released him; and then he made his way, through great hardships, to [Jrumtsit and on to Manass and Emil. After wide wanderings in Central Asis he at length joined Eublai Ehan at Xanadu, and rose to be President of the Board of Civil Office. In 1281 he was compelled by a disease of the foot to retire into private life. In 1310 he was appointed Doctor in the Han-lin College. The family property had all disappeared during his long absence, nothing remaining but the portraits of his famous grandfather and father. He himself was a martyr to ill-health; and yet he remained a close student almost to his last days. His miscellaneous writings, including an account of his travelSf were published under the title of ^f^ ^ ^ .
2448 Teh-lu Hsien ]|P#: ^. A.D. 948-983. Son of Yeh-lfl Yilan ,