A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 899
Lo Pin-'Wang, and Lo Ghao-lin, formed the band known as the
pt} ^ Four Heroes of the T^ang djnastj.
Yang Chn >^ :^ • 4th cent. B.C. A philosopher mentioned by 3370 Mencius and Chnang Tztk. He founded a school of ethical egoiemy M opposed to the extreme altruum of Mo Ti. According to Mencius he would not ha?e parted with one hair of his body to save the whole world, whereas Mo Ti under such circumstances would hare saerificed all. Book YII of the spurious work known as ^J -^ (see Lieh Yfi-^k^ou) is deyoted to his sayings, and he is even represented M holding a conversation with Lao TzH. He has been confused with another personage, also mentioned by Chuang Tztt, named
H^ ^ ^&ng Jtlug, whose style was -^ j§ Tzti-chtl, and who was contemporary with Lao TztL.
Yang CaitL-yHan ^ g i{| (T. ;^ |1| ). 8th and 9th cent. 2371 A.D. A native of ^ P'u-chou in Shansi, who graduated as chin $hih about A.D. 790 and in 830 was Superintendent of Instruc- tion at Ho-chung in Shansi. He gained considerable reputation as a poet.
Yang Chung-no ^J^Wi (T- ^ tK )• 17th and 18th cent. 2372 A.D. Son of Yang Yung-chien , and author of the collection of poems called Wt^M-
YangHsi-fa ^^jji^ (T. jSr ?|5. H.^ H^). A.D. 1701-- 2373 1769. Graduated as chin shih in 1727, and rose by 1757 to be Director General of the Grain-Transport, a post which he filled with conspicuous success until his death. Author of the ^ }^ ^ ^ , a book on the grain-transport system; of a commentary on the Four Book9\ of a record of virtuous wives; and of a collection of essays. Canonised as |||| Yang Hsiang i^ ^ . One of the 24 examples of filial piety, 2374 said .to haye lived under the Han dynasty. When he was only
fourteen years of age his father was attacked by a tiger, whereupon