898 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
and established himself in the Heir Apparent's palaee. Throogli his daughter, who had married the Empevor Hsifbui li, he managed to persuade the yonthfiil soTereign, Chiog 'H, to xesigi
m _
the throne to himĀ» and proclaimed himself first Emperor of the Soi dynasty. In 589 he annexed the Ch*6n territory, taking eaie to employ its existing officials. In 600, acting upon the ooimasls of the Empress and Yang So, he set aside his eldest son, who was Hw Apparent, and nominated his second sod to snoceed him. Thelattsrii said to have slain the rightful heir forthwith, in order to prereat his re-instatement. In spite of wholesale slanghier of the Hove of Chon and treacherous behayiour to relatives and friends, he wm not altogether a bad ruler. He lightened the burden of taxes, oodifisd the criminal law, instituted the tithing system, opened public libraiiat, and set an example of simplicity and economy in food and dresL During his reign the population is said to ha?e doubled, reacfaiag a total of nearly nine millions. Canonised as ^ ^ , with the temple name of 'j^ fjj^ .
2368 YangChien ij^^ (T. $|:#. H. Ifi^). 12th and 13th
cent. A.D. A poet and official of the Sung dynasty, some time t disciple of Lu Ghiu-y^an. At the recommendation of Chu Hsi he was appointed magistrate at ^ ^ Lo-p4ng; and when summoned thence to the Imperial Academy, the people escorted him on the way, calling him ^ ^ Father Yang. He rose to be a secretary in the Board of Works, retiring in 1225. 2869 Yang Ch'ixing :^^. 7th cent. A.D. A natiye of Hua-yia in the province of Shensi. Entering the public service, he rose to be a Director of the department charged vrith the tuition of the Heir Apparent. But he was mixed up in the rebellion of HsQ Ching-yeh, and degraded to a petty post. He afterwards became magistrate at ^ jll Ying-ch'uan in Chehkiang, where he distinguished himself
by his cruelty. Was famous as a poet, and together with Wang Po*