894 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
fragality. He entered into treaties of commerce with Great Britain and Russia, but £uled to obtain their support against China. He died, or was murdered, while vainly trying to repel the advance of Tso Tsung-t'ang's lieutenants. His son, i known as or Euli Beg, and Buzurg Khan's son, both claimed the throne. The latter being defeated at Aksu fled into Russian territory, while the former had soon to take refuge in Tashkend. Four of Yakoob*s sons and two of his grandsons fell into the hands of the Chinese. One son was beheaded, one grandson died, and the rest were sentenced to be castrated and sent as slavos to the soldien on the Amoor.
2361 Yang Ch'ang-Chlin :^ g ^. A licentiate of Hunan, who fDught against the 'Fai-p^ng rebels and had risen in 1874 to be Goyernor of Chehkiang but was dismissed in 1877 for making an improper recommendation. In the following year he was .sent to assist Tso Tsung-t^ang in the north-west, and gradually rose again to high office. In 1884 he was sent to assist in the defence of Fuhkien, succeeding Tso Tsung-t^ang as Viceroy at Foochow in 1885. Three years later he was transferred to Eansuh, and in November 1895 he was ordered to retire on account of the Mahomedan rising.
2362 Tang Chen ^ ^ (T. >f|g ^). Died A.D. 124. A native of Hua-yin in Shensi, who taught as many as a thousand disciples, and came to be called the Confucius of the West. On one occasion when a stork had flown past with three eels in its beak, a disciple said to him, 'That, sir, is a presage of your rise to a high post** Yielding to repeated requests, he came forth from his retirement at the age of 50 and entered upon a public career. Appointed to be Governor of ^ ^ Tung-lai in Shantung, he passed throogli
1^ ^ Ch'ang-i, where an old friend named ^ ^ Wang Kit
about to become his subordinate, was then Magistrate. Wang called