A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 881Wu Chih-i :5^ ;^ I* (T. ^ g ). A noted scholar, who flourished 2326
about A.D. 1679. He devoted himself chiefly to chronology, and superintended that department in the compilation of the Hiitory of the Ming Dynasty, He wrote a history of the ten small Principalities which existed between the end of the T^ang and the beginning of the Sang dynasties, besides yarioos other classical and historical works.
Wu Ching ^ ^ . Died A.D. 742. A native of Pien-chou in 2327 Honan, who distinguished himself as a Censor and also by strict adherence, to truth in his history of the early portion of the T^ang dynasty, so that he was called the modern Tung Ha. His boldness got him into trouble, and he was banished; but before his death he was once more filling a high post. Author of the ^ ^ ^^ ^ , a work on the principles of government.
Wu Pan ^ ^ (T. ^ ||) ). Died A.D. 2^. A native of Shang-y^ 2328 in Ghehkiang, who studied mathematics and became known in his District as a good weather-prophet. From this he went on to prophesy about things in general, and finally attached himself to the staff of Sun Ch'flan, who at first treated him with great consideration but quarrelled with him because he would not foretell the date of his (Sun Ch^flan's) death. He made some vague prophecy about there being '^a princely vapour to the south of the river,*" and when Sun Ch^flan was proclaimed Prince of Wu, he declared that this was the fulfilment of his words. He was soon afterwards ennobled as Marqais, but again fell into disfavour, chiefly because he was unable to flatter the pride and ambition of his master.
Wu Hai 7^ 1^ (T. ^ ^). 14th cent. A.D. A native of Poochow, 2329 who distinguished himself as a scholar at the close of the Yflan dynasty, but owing to the disturbed state of the country refrained from entering official life. He was employed under the Mings in
the department of Historiography, and attracted much attention by