A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 763
days, and shortly afterwards saccnmbed to the disease. Canonised
- ® ^ Hi. ^ ^ *$*» ^^^ variously known as |^ ^ , ^ 2p
Ts'ao T8*eng ]^^ (T. ^j^ \\^). Ist cent. A.D. A native of 2014 Chi-yin in Shantung, who rose to be a Censor and was noted for his filial piety. To save ancient records from perishing in a time of disorder, he bnilt a stone vault in which to preserve them, and this was known as ]^ ^ ^ ^ the book-granary of Ts'ao, now used in the sense of a large library. He is said to have obtained portions of the Canon of History from Ou-yang Hsi, and to have had a following of 3,000 disciples.
Ts'ao Tuan If Jg^ (T. jE ^ . H. ^ j|| ). A.D. 1376-1434, 2016 A native of ^fi^ ]^ Mien-ch^ih in Honan, who entered upon a public career and rose to be Director of Studies at ^ Ho-chou in Shansi. Author of many commentaries upon the Classics, and of a collection of miscellaneous writiogs. Also specially notable for his knowledge of ceremonies and ancient music. In 1860 his tablet was placed in the Confucian Temple.
Ts'en Lun ^jj^. 8th cent. A.D. A native of ^ Tdng-chou 2016 in Honan, who rose to be a Vice President of the Grand Council but threw up his post and went into retirement. Ultimately he v^andered away to the famous ^ f^ Lo-fou mountain near Canton, and was never heard of again. He was very intimate with Li Po , and was popularly known as J^ ^ ^ .
Ts'en T8*an ^^. A native of Ho-nei, who graduated as 2017 chin shih between A.D. 742 and 756. He was a Censor under the Emperor Su Tsung of the T^ang dynasty, and finally rose to be Governor of Chia-chou. He distinguished himself as a poet, and also by his contributions to the reform in prosody which took place about this period. Popularly known as J^ -^ ^ .
T8*en Tti-ying J^^^^. Died A.D. 1889. A native of f^ 2018