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744 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary

throne, she threw herself on the ground in an agony of despair, saying, *^Why am I not a man that I conld do something for his Majesty?'* She ultimately became the wife of Li YQan, first Emperor of the T'ang dynasty.

1958 Tou Jung W ^ (T. ^ ^ ). B.C. 16- A.D. 62. A native of P'ing. ling in Shensi, and a descendant in the seventh generation from Tou Euang-kuo. He served under the usurper Wang Mang until the latter*s final defeat, when he owned allegiance to Liu Hsflan and received an appointment to look after the subject nations in the far west. Upon the fall of Liu HsUan he sent an envoy to the new Emperor Euang Wu Ti with a letter of submission and a present of horses, in return for which he was made Governor of Liang^-chou in modern Eansuh and later on became President of the Board of Works. In A.Di 59, the year after the accession of the Emperor Ming Ti, a second cousin of his was executed for misbehaviour, and he received, permission to retire into private life. Canonised as

1959 Tou Ku ^ g (T. ^ -^ ). Died A.D. 88. Nephew of Tou Jung. He rose to high military command under the Emperor Ming Ti of the Han dynasty, and was entrusted with the management of a campaign in Central Asia which the Emperor projected in order to rival the military exploits of his predecessor on the throne. Tou Eu succeeded in capturing the modern Hami, from which point the expeditions of Pan Ch'ao were organised. Canonised as ^.

1960 Tou Kuang-kuo ^ ^ g (T. ^^^ ). 2nd cent. B.C. At four or five years of age, in consequence of poverty, he was offered for sale to several families and was at length bought by a charcoal- burner at ^ ^ I-yang in Honan. His master and fatinily perishing in a landslip, he consulted a soothsayer who told him that some day he would be a Marquis*, and forthwith set out for Ch'ang-an.

There he heard that the new Empress, consort of the Emperor

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