722 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
who is an Expectant Colonel and Breyet Brigade General. He was for a long time attached to the Chinese Embassy in Paris and acquired an extensiye knowledge of the French language. He was accused of swindling some French banks out of about 200,000 /r., and recalled; but it is generally belieyed that the charge was trumped up. Author of L€8 Chinoia Feints par Eux'tnimeSj Chin-Chin^ and other worker.
1902 Te-ldng-t<ai "^f^ ^. Died A.D. 1809. A Mongol Bannerman, who distinguished himself in the second Chin-ch'uan and in the Nepaulese wars, and also in the Formosa and Eueichou rebellions. He aided 0-lo-tSng-pao to suppress the western insurrection of 1797 to 1804. He held many high offices, and shortly before his death was ennobled as Duke. Canonised as J|Jt jpit ^^^ included in the Temple of Patriots.
Te Tsung. See (T'ang) Li Kua; (W. Liao) Yeh-ltl Ta-shih.
1903 Teng Ai ^ ^ (T. ^ ^ ). Died A.D. 263. A natiye of ^ ^ Chi-yang in Honan , who was at first preyented by an impedi- ment in his speech from entering upon an actiye career, but who afterwards did good seryice as a military commander by reducing modern SstLch'aan (see Liu Ch^an) and was ennobled as Marquis by the Emperor Shao Ti of the Wei dynasty. As a youth, he is said neyer to haye seen a hill or a marsh without at once considering the strategical yalue of the position. He was accused of treason bj Chung Hui and put into a cage, from which, upon Chung Hms rebellion and death, he escaped, only howeyer to fall by the hands of a party of soldiers sent to dispatch him. Appearing on one occasion before the Emperor to report his successes, he was unable, from his unfortunate trick of stammering, to pronounce his own name other than '*Ai-Ai-Ai;** at which his Majesty laughed, and asked him if there were more **Ai*s" than one. "No more," h®
replied, "than there are two phoenixes in the Confucian phrase