A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 697
to China and joined Queen's College in Hongkong. Another yisit to the Hawaiian Islands interrupted his studies, and on his return he devoted himself to his own language until the age of 21, when he took to the study of medicine at the Canton hospital. In the following year he joined the College of Medicine in Hongkong and was there for 5 years. He then became mixed up in some political moTcment in the Kuangtung province, the object of which was to overthrow the Manchu dynasty , and narrowly escaped arrest in Canton. He fled to New York, and thence to London, where on 11 Oct. 1896 he was seized and confined in the Chinese Legation on a charge of treason. With the assistance of a European waiter he made his case known to the public and secured the prompt intervention of the British Government, whereupon he was released. He subsequently published an account of his adventure under the title Kidnapped in London.
Sun Wu J^^ or Sun Tzu ^^. 6th cent. B.C. A native 1826 of the Ch'i State, and author of the ^ j^ Art of War. When he was discoursing one day with Prince Ho-lu of the Wu State, the latter said, **I have read your book and want to know if you could apply its principles to women." Sun Wu replied in the affirmative, whereupon the Prince took 180 girls out of his harem and bade Sun Wu deal with them as with troops. Accordingly he divided them into two companies, and at the head of each' placed a favourite concubine of the Prince. But when the drums sounded for drill to begin , all the girls burst out laughing. Thereupon Sun Wu, without a moment's delay, caused the two concubines in command to be beheaded. This at once restored order, and ultimately the corps was raised to a state of great efficiency. Sun Yti-Ving -|^ 3S j^ (T. ^ H ). A.D. 1752-1834. A native 1826 of ^ ^ Chi-ning iu Shantung. He graduated as chin sliih in
1775, and had risen to be Viceroy at Nanking when in 1824 a