696 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
the son of So Tang-p'o, who gmTe his pregnant coDcabme ii marriage to one J^ yj§ San Chih. He gradaated as chin iUk in A.D. 1109, and rose to be President of the Boaids of Ciril OSee and of Re?euae. Differences with the Miniaten of the £mperor Eao Tsung forced him to retire into prifate life, in which oonditioo he amused himself bj fuming. A collection of his writings wm published under the title of his hao^ as above.
1823 Sun T8*e -^ ^ (T. i^^). A.D. 175-200. Eldest son of Sun Chieu, whom he succeeded and whose work he carried on. He was a handsome young man, and was greatly admired by YOan Shu who gave him his father*8 command and advanced him si much as possible. They separated when the latter wished to make himself Emperor, and Sun Ts'£ fought against him as one of the lieutenants of Ts'ao Ts^ao. He was appointed Oovernor of Ws (modern Eiangsu and part of Ghehkiang), and in 198 was invested with the title of Marquis of -Wu. He was slain at the early age of tweuty-six by the retainers of one ^ ^ HsQ Kung, whom he had .put to death. On his deathbed he solemnly handed ofer his territorial possessions to his brother Sun Ch'Qan, who he said was more fitted to hold than to acquire. Sun Chilian was so much affected by his death that he could do nothing but weep, until ^ i{S Chang Chao roused him by saying that he was opening the door and bowing in robbers. Sun Ts'£ married the famoos beauty, -^ ^ Ta-ch*iao, daughter of ^ ^ Ch*iao Eung. See Chou Vft, Canonised as -^ "j^j^ ij^ ^ .
1824 Sun Wen -J^^ ^ (T. ^ ;^ . H. j|g» f|l| ). Known to foreigners as *^Sun Vat Sen," from the Cantonese pronunciation of his hao. Born 1866. A native of ^ |_Lj Hsiang-shan in Euangtung, who at tlie age of 13 accompanied his mother to the Hawaiian Islands and was placed at the lolam College in Honolulu, passing at the
end of 3 years to the Oahu College. Shortly afterwards he returned