A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 665
goyernment, So-ni was recalled to ofiSce, and was one of foar Regents appointed nnder his Majesty's will. He was ennobled as Duke by E'ang Hsi on his accession , and canonised as ^ J^ . Sotpala ^^A^J- A.D. 1303-1323. Son of Aynli Palpata, 1744 whom he succeeded in 1320 as fifth Emperor of the Yton dynasty, contrary to the agreement between his father and the latter*s brother E!aisun. His mother placed |^ 7|^ ^ ]^ Timnteer, a favonrite of hers, at the head of affairs; bnt after abont two years the Emperor became disgusted wi^h his persecution of rivals under the last reign, and dismissed him from o£Sce. Buddhism continued to cost vast sums, one single image consisting of 500,000 catties of bronze. In 1323 the Dt/naatic InatitiUes were drawn up, and Sotpala was preparing to reform the administration generally, when he was assassinated by one of his own chamberlains. Canonised as
S8U-k*ung Shu f| ^ Qf (T. ^^). 8th cent. A.D. A native 1745 of ^ ^ Kuang-p4ng in Chihli, distinguished as a poet and ofiBcial under the T^ang dynasty. One of the "p tJ" "^ Ten Men of Genius of the period A.D. 766—779.
Ssu-ma Chao SJ ,B| flg (T. -^±). A.D. 211-265. Son of 1746
Ssd-ma I, and Minister to the third Emperor of the Wei dynasty (deposed A.D. 254) who created him Prince of Chin. He was canonised by his son SstL-ma Yen, first Emperor of the Chin dynasty, as
Ssti-ma Cheng SJ ,B| ^ (T. -^ jE ). 8th cent. A.D. A native 1747 of Ho-nei in Honan, who distinguished himself as an historical writer. Author of the ^ §Q ^ ^ , an exegetical work on the historical Record of Sstt-ma Ch*ien , and also of the ^ ^ §£ , dealing with the times of the three great legendary Emperors, Fu Hsi, ShSn Nung, and Huang Ti. He called himself >/Jv €| jS| ^be
Younger Ssti-ma; in contradistinction to Ssti-ma Ch^ien.