658 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
neas of demeanour. He rose to high military rank, and was ennoUed as Dake by the Emperor Wu Ti, and canonised as j^.
1726 Shih ti ^ ?S5 (T. ^ ^. H. mm^ A). ^ c^ ^M^ Talahnn. A.D. 1212-1297. A native of ^ Li-choa in Chihli, distingnished as a commander in the serrice of Knblai Khan, whose notice he attracted in early life by his eztraordinaiy physical strength and skill in archery. In 1273 he had charge of the attack on the north-east angle of Fan-ch*4ng, daring the 96 days of the siege. At Bayan*s passage of the Yang-tsze he was singled out as the bravest of the brave. After a long career of successfol generalship he wbs chosen in 1288 for the oomnoMuid of Enblai's intended expedition against Java. In 1292, being then generalissimo of the • forces and at the same time Gk>T6mor of Fnhkien, he set sail from ^ Ch*iian-choa with an army of 5000 men. After landing in Java he was for a time successfnl, owing chiefly to the rivalries of local potentates; but the expedition was ultimately a failure, and Shih Pi had some difficulty in getting out of the island with a loss of more than half his troops. He took back with him plunder in the shape of gold, gems, ivory, rhinoceros-horu, incense- woods, manufactured cottons etc., to the value of 5,000,000 ounces of silver. For this ill-success the Emperor ordered him to receive 70 blows, and confiscated one-third of his property. In 1818 he had again risen to be Minister of State, and was ennobled as Duke.
1727 Shih Shih-p'iao JSIft !^- ^^^^ A.D. 1721. Sixth son of Shih Lang. In 1721 he recovered Formosa from the rebel -^ — • ^ Chu I-kuei, who pretended to be a descendant of the Mings. Canonised £^ -^ ^*
1728 Shih Ssu-ming i& ^ ^ . Died A.D. 761. A native of Lukchak, of Turkic descent, fierce and guileful in disposition. He received
a command under the Emperor Ming Huang, and co-operated vrith