A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
124 Chang Wei 張謂 (T. 正言). A native of Honan, who graduated as chin shih in A.D. 743. Boae to be Vice President of the Board of Rites, and gained distinction as a poet. 125 Chang Yao 張耀 (T. 朗齋). Died A.D. 1891. A native of Kiangsu, who had no education in his youth, but came into notice by his defence of 固始 Ku-shih in Honan against the Nien fei, in which he was supported by the rowdies of whom he was the head. After serving in the army, he was appointed Magistrate of Ku-shih, and having educated himself, rose in due course to be Treasurer of Honan. In the sixties he became Commander-in-chief in Kuangtung; and was sent to assist Tso Tsung-t'ang in the north-west, much against his will; and in October 1881 he was appointed Assistant Administrator of the New Dominion. In consequence of the hostilities with France in 1884, he was recalled with 11,000 men, and in the following July was gazetted Governor of Kuangsi. He was, however, kept to repair the moats and waterways of Peking, and sent to inspect the Yellow River, of which he was made Director in Shantung in 1890. In June 1886 he was appointed Governor of Shantung. Two years later he was made an Assistant Director of the Board of Admiralty, and a Junior Guardian of the Heir Apparent. He
was ennobled for his services in Kansuh. Honest and industrious, he set his face against peculation, and was heavily in debt when he died. His soldiers so loved him that without murmuring they allowed their pay to run into arrears to the sum of no less than Tls. 1,400,000; and his justice and kindness to the people at large won him the popular title of 張青天 God Almighty Chang. He is included in the Temple of Worthies, and memorial temples have been erected to him in several places.