643 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
cry. He immediately became depreased, aod said, "When goodgovflm- ment is about' to prorail, the magnetic onrrest 6owb from north to south; when bad government is abont to preTtil, it flowa from south to north, and birds feel its infiaence first of all thinga. Now hitherto this bird has not been seen at Lo-yang; from whioh I infer that the magnelac cnrreut is flowing from sonth to north, and that some Boatherner is coming into power, with manifold oonse^nenoM to the State." Ere many years had elapsed, Wang A.n-«hih was distracting the empire with his "innovations." Sfaao Ynng was also the author of a Tolnme of poetry, entitled -^ J|| |^ ^ ^, and of a sapplement to his own work on the Canon of Changea, entitled ]^ t^ 56 ^ I^alogue betwem a Fitherman and ■ a WoodaUUr. He was canoaiaed as J^ €!![ , and in 12S5 his tablet waa pWed in the Confdcian Temple.
She-mo-teng. See Eashiapmadanga.
1684 Shen Oh'i-yilan -^ ^ tc (T. ^iz)- 18th cent A.D. Sod of a noted teacher and author of Eiangsn. He graduated aa oh'n thih in 1721, and served for nine years in Fnhkien where he brought about many reforms , notably the permission to. li?e and trade abroad for three years without forfeiting the rights of citizenship. He rose to be Lieutenant Qorernor of Chihli , and Director of the Banqnetdng Court, retiring in 1748. He wrote the ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^t > collection of the commentaries on those parts of the Canon of Chamga on which he considered that Confucius had commented; also a wosfc on metres, essays, poems, etc.
1686 Shgn OWn-ssti igt jS -S (T- fe Uj H. ^ |f ). A.D. 1«71- 1728. Son of a farmer of Ch'ien-t'ang in ChehkiaDg. He was mH an orphan at an early age; but in spite of great poverty he contrived to study, especially devoting himself to the philosophera of tiie Sung dynasty. Graduating as ehin shih in 1700, he was a .sucxseanfu!
Magistrate for seven years, and in 1723 waa appoantad to the ^ o i oofa aa