A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 627
lifed under the reign of Jen Tsung of the Snng dynasty and was known as an alchemist, bnt is chiefly famous as the reputed inventor of moTable type.
Pi Tilan ||y^ (T. |^% and ^ ^). A. D. 1729--1797. 1647 An official who served with distinction in Eansnb, and who after suppressing various White Lily and aboriginal risings became Viceroy of Hu-Euang. He wrote several antiquarian works, among others an account of ancient inscriptions in Shensi. Also, an examination into the text of the Tao Ti Ching; a supplement to the history of Ssti-ma Kuang, entitled )^ ^ Vp S^i extending from the beginning of the Sung to the end of the YfLan dynasty; and a large number of historical and other essays, poems, etc. etc. He gave to himself the sobriquet of ^ ^ |l| ^.
P*i Jih-hsiu l^B ^ C^. %^ ^ri^ ^ ^^ H. ^ f^). 1648 A poet of the T'ang dynasty, who graduated as thin shih in A. D. 867, and rose to be a Doctor of the Court of Sacrificial Worship. When Huang Ch'ao took Ch*ang-an, he employed P4 to compose sham prophecies, but put him to death because the prophecies read like criticisms on himself. Among other works , he edited the ^ jjK|[ Tea ClaMrie of Lu Yfl.
Fien Ch'iao. See Ch'in Ytleh-jen.
Pien Chuang Tzu i> ^ -^. Ohuang Tzti of Pien. A hero of 1649 old, said to have been fond of tiger-hunting. He was Governor of the District of Pien , under the Chou dynasty. ^^^ Kuan Shu Tetl advised him to watch for two tigers eating an ox. "They would quarrel,*' he said, "and one would be killed and the other wounded. Then you could finish off the wounded tiger, and so secure the pair." His bravery was mentioned by Confucius. Pien Ho -|^ ^. 8th cent. B. 0. A man of the Ch'u State, who 1660 found a piece of pure jade on the mountains and hastened to present
it to his Prince. The stone was declared to be false, and he was