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A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 601

Ordered to Turkestan, he obtained a prolongation of the terms of office for officials and permission for them and for the military to have their families with them. He established a market for trade with Bokhara and Badakshan, but his attempt to stop the export of tea, rhubarb, and sulphur to Ehokand led to his degradation in 1831. Canonised as J^ |^ .

NtL Kua or NtL Wa ;^ ^. According to one account, the 1578 sister and successor of the legendary Emperor Fu Hsi. She had a human head, with the body of a serpent, and assisted in settling the ordinance of marriage and the relations of the sexes. When Eung Knng rebelled, and the pillars of heaven were broken and the corners of the earth gaye way^ she melted down stones and

repaired the damage. According to another account, Nti atid Ena

    were brother and sister, and were placed at the creation ou the E^un-lun mountains, the only two human beings in existence. Then they prayed, saying, "If thou, God, hast sent us to be man and wife, the smoke of our sacrifice will stay in one place; but if not, it will be scattered.** The smoke remained stationary. Ntk. Ying ;^ ^ . One of the two daughters of the Emperor Yao, 1579 B.C. 2357 f who gave them both as wi?es to his successor, the virtuous Shun. See Huang.

    Nurhachu (reigned as ^ ^). A.D. 1559-1626. The real 1580 founder of the Manchu power, who consolidated the petty tribes around his home, and in 1603 built the original city of Shingkiiig. His careful administration attracted numbers of adherents, for whom he is said to have constructed the Manchu alphabet, founded upon that of the Mongols. He gradually extended his borders eastward, until in 1625 his frontiers reached to the sea on the east and to the Amoor on the north, ^ |^ Ning-yflan being almost the only possession remaining to the Mings beyond the Great Wall. In the

    same year his capital was moved to Moukden, then called ^^ ^

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