600 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
complicity in the rebellion of ^ i^ Lia Chto; in 847 he was Junior Preceptor of the Heir Apparent. He was noted for his lore of women, and was said to ha?e had *^twel?e golden hairpins** {$e, concubines) in his establishment. Canonised as J^ |^ .
1576 No Ch'a ^ tt^. A supernatural being, variously described as god and demon, and identified by the Buddhists with the son of Yadjrapani, the God of Thunder. He is depicted as riding through the heavens upon two fiery wheels, and holding in his hand a pagoda, for which his original thunderbolt has been, mistaken by the Chinese.
1577 No-yen-oh'eng fI5 Jgg (T. |® ;^ and j|t f . H. j^ ^ ).
A.D. 1762—1838. Grandson of 0-kuei. He graduated as chin skih in 1789, and ten years later was a Minister of the Grand Council. He was then sent to help in the suppression of the White Lily rebellion, which had already cost over Tls. 80,000,000. Very successful at first, on account of a check he was reduced in 1800 to the rank of a sub-Expositor of the Han-lin College. Restored to the Grand Council, he became Acting Viceroy of Shen-Ean in 1804, the Emperor warning him against trusting too much to himself and ignoring his colleagues. Transferred to Canton, it was through his representations that leave to trade was refused to Russian ships. In 1805 he was sent to Hi for bribing the coast pirates, and subsequently served several years in Turkestan, returning to Sben-Kau as Viceroy in 1809. In 1813 he was transferred to Chihli; and three years later he was sentenced to death for malversation while in Shensi, and only escaped banishment to Ui on the plea that his aged mother required his services. After a further period of disgrace and promotion he was sent again to Chibli, where he introduced in 1825 the sea-trausport of tribute rice, as the Grand Canal was blocked, and also discharged no
fewer than 23,000 superfluous official ^^runners** from his province.-