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592 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary

by whom he was put to death , together with his eldest son. Canonised by Mu-juQg Shdng as ^^ M,^ of the Later Yen State.

1548 Mu-jung Sheng Hk # ^ (T. M.M)' ^-O- 373-401. Son by a concubine of Mn-jung Pao, whom he succeeded in 399. After putting to death his father^s murderer, he proclaimed hinuself Emperor; but he was soon surrounded by conspirators, and at length perished in a night-attack upon his palace. Canonised as flS ^ M ^ of the Later Yen State.

1649 Mu-jung Te Jjt # 151 (T. TC ?^ )• ^D. 336-405. Youngest son of Mu-jung Huang. His mother dreamt that the sun flew into her na?el, after which she gave birth to him one day while lying asleep. Before he was 20, he was 8 ft. 2 in. in height, and a handsome, well-made man, with a mark on his forehead like the sun partly overlying the moon. He was a great student of books, and of a gra?e and upright disposition. After serving under Mu- jung Tsun and his father, he accompanied the former into captiTi^ and was appointed by Fu Chien to be Governor of ^ f^ Chang- yeh in Eansuh. He subsequently joined Mu-jung Ch^ui, and served as Minister under his son Mu-jung Pao; but in 398 he threw off his allegiance, and in 400 proclaimed himself Emperor of the Southern Yen State. He was succeeded by his nephew Mu-jung Ch^ao, and was canonised as |^ "^ ^ ^.

1550 Mu-jung Tsun Jjk # ^ (T ^ ^)- ^D- 319—360. Second son of Mu-jung Huang. He was a handsome, intelligent boy, 8 ft. 2 in. in height, fond of books, and with a turn both for civil and military affairs. Succeeding his father as Prince of Yen in 848, he assumed the Imperial title in 352, changed the year-title and canonised his ancestors. He moved his capital to Yeh in Honan, and engaged in successful warfare with Fu Chien. Severe and ' dignified in manner, he never seemed to spend an idle moment,

all his leisure time being devoted to the extension of

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