578 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
in Shensi, uoted as a portrait-paiater. He was pat to death for having treacherously falsified the beautiful features of Wang Ch^iang. 1&07 Mei Fu ;|2| ^ (T. -^ g ). 1st cent. B.C. and A.D. A native of ^ ^ Shou-ch'un in Anhui. A wide reader in early life, he became Governor of Nan-ch'ang in Eiangsi, but soon threw up his appointment and returned home. After this he addressed several memorials to the Emperor Ch^Sng Ti on the unsatisfactory state of public affairs, suggesting among other points that the descendants of Confucius should be ennobled, in securing which he was ultimately successful. He spent much of his time in studying the art of prolonging life; but when Wang Mang seized the throne he disappeared, leaving behind him his wife and children. It was currently believed that he had become an Immortal; though some said he was still living in Chehkiang under an assumed name. Deified in the 11th century under the title of ^^ ^ ^•
1508 Mei Eao ^ ^ (T. ^ ^ ). 2nd cent. B.C. Son of a concubine, whom his father had taken when an official in western China. Upon the latter's return, his mother refused to accompany him; and Mei Eao remained with her until he was 17, when he entered into public life, subsequently finding his way to the capital and rising to high office under the Emperor Wu Ti. He was a clever poet, but spoilt his compositions by indulging in too humorous a strain. Yang Hsinng said, ^^In the crisis of war, amid the din of troops and among hurrying messengers, give me Mei Eao."
1509 Mei K^o-ch'eng >t$ iQ[ J^- 18th cent. A.D. Grandson of Mei W6n-ting, and like him a distinguished writer on astronomy. Was canonised as ^ ^ .
1510 Mei Wen-ting ^^ ^. (T. ^X '»'»<J ^ ^ )• A.D.
1632—1721. A native of Anhui. Author of many astronomical works. He discussed and compared Chinese and Western methods
of computing time, and corrected the section on astronomy in the