A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 557Lti Ling ^ ^ . 10th cent. B.C. A famous ranner who lived in 1460
the time of Mn Wang. He is said to have become at his death one of the attendants of the God of Thunder.
Lii Lung g ^ (T. ^ ^ ). Died A.D. ? 404. A nephew of 1461
Lil Euang, under whom he gained some fame as Warden of the Northern Tribes. He succeeded Lii Tsuan in 401. His short reign was marked by a gallant defence of the capital against his rivals of the North and the South Liang^ States. In 403 Yao Hsing incorporated Liang^ in the Later Ch*in State. LQ received ofiBce at
Ch*ang-an , but became engaged in treasonable plots and was executed. Lil Meng 3 ^ (T. -^ 1^ ). Died A.D. 219. A native of Ju- 1462 nan in Honan. When young he lived with his sister, whose husband was a captain under Sun Ts*£. On one occasion the lad secretly followed his brother-in-law on a raid against bandits, and greatly astonished the former by his prowess. His next feat was to slay one of his brother-in-law's subordinates, who had presumed to slight him. For this he had to flee; but subsequently he was sent for by Sun Ts'e, and at his brother-in-law's death was appointed to the vacant post. When Sun Ts'6 was killed, he continued to serve under Sun Chilian, fighting many battles, repulsing the great Ts'ao Ts^ao, and by stratagem effecting the capture of Euan Yfl, for which achievements he was ennobled as Marquis. He died in his master's arms.
I-ii Meng-cheng g ^ IE (T. H ^ )• Died A.D. 1011. A 1463 native of Honan, who was driven from home while quite a boy by his father^ and was received and brought up by some priests at Lung-mSn for a period of nine years. In A.D. 977 he graduated as first chin shih , and six years later was made a Minister of State. When he went to Court for the first time, a courtier asked if
- Hhis child" was to help in the administration; but Lii pretended
not to hear him, and subsequently refused to learn his name.