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544 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary

flight of the youDg Emperor Tuan Tsnng before the conquering hosts of Eublai Ehan; and when Tnaa Tsung died, he carried the child-Emperor Ti Ping to Tai-shan in EnangtuDg. After some months of resistance, seeing that all was lost, he bade his wife and children throw themselyes into the sea; and then, taking the Emperor on his back, he followed their example and brought the great Snug dynasty to an end (see Chao Ping). In 1859 his tablet was placed in the Confucian Temple.

1414 Lu Hstl ^ i^ (T. :^ 19 ). 1st cent. A.D. A natiye of Kuei- chi in Chehkiang, and one of the 24 examples of filial piety. Entering the public service, he first attracted attention during a serious famine by distributing an official grant of food only among persons who had a different surname from his own and who could not therefore be members of his family. Later on, his name was wrongfully mixed up in the rebellious projects of Prince ^ Ying of Ch^u, and he was thrown into prison and put to the question, but refused to confess. His mother followed him to the capital and sent some food into the prison , at the sight of which he burst into tears, explaining to the gaoler that he knew his mother must be close by, as he detected her hand in the manner of mincing the meat and onions. This being reported to the Emperor, he was set at liberty.

1415 Lu Hual-Shen JS'^^. Died A.D. 716. A native of f^ Hna-chou in Honan, who graduated as chin shih and rose to be a Minister of State under the Emperor Ming Huang of the T^ang dynasty. Feeling however that his talents were inferior to those of his famous colleague, Tao Ch'ung, he rather shirked acting on — his own responsibility; but this seeming neglect of duty waar^^ popularly attributed to his love for the pleasures of the table, in.-^ consequence of which he was nicknamed ^ ^ ^ ij^ the Boon- ^- Companion Minister. He became President of the Board of Ciril J

Office, and was canonised as ^J^*

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