512 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
promoted, became a Grand Secretary in 1771. He wrote essajrSf and also the ^ ^ ^ ^ , a work on arithmetic. Personally, he lived a very frugal and almost ascetic life. Canonised as ^ ^ .
1330 Liu Lung ^ ^. A.D. 106-107. Yonngest son of Lin Gbao, whom he succeeded at the age of 3 months as fifth Emperor of the Eastern Han dynasty. Dying at the age of two, ho was canonised
1331 Liu Min ^ ^ or Liu Ch*ung ^ . Died A.D. 955. Half- brother to Liu Ghih-yiian. He was a handsome young man, with a fine beard and double pupils to his eyes; but he cared for nothing save wine and gambling, and had even been branded on the cheek for some crime. When Liu Ghih-yiian mounted the throne of the Later Han dynasty, he was appointed Gk)Ternor of Shanai and received other honours. Under the second Emperor, Liu Ch^£ag-yu, he became a Minister of State ; and by an intrigue of the Empress Dowager his son was named as Heir Apparent. The boy died, and Liu Min returned to Shansi ; after which he declared his independence and proclaimed himself first Emperor of the Northern Han State. Leaguing himself with the Eitan Tartars, he attacked the reigning House of Ghou, but sustained a severe defeat and died of chagrin in the following year.
1332 Liu Ming-ohnian ^^^^ (T. ^ H). A.D. 1838-1896. A native of Ho-fei in Anhui, who passed the quasi-matriculation examination of student but took no degree. Adopting a military career, he fought as a volunteer in the T*ai»p4ng rebellion, and in 1864 was rewarded with the Tellow Jacket. He then operated as Gommander of Li Hung-chang*s forces against the Nien fei in Shantung and other provinces. In the latter capacity he showed such energy that in 1868 the leader of the movement, Chang Tsung-yti, drowned himself in despair; for which services he was
ennobled as Baron. But he first gained real distinction by his