A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 497he changed his name to "^ Sang, and in 947 proclaimed himself
first Emperor of the Later Han dynasty. Before his death he finished a victorioos campaign against the Eitans (see Tu Chvng^wei). Canonised as ^ jjjQ, . He was sncceeded by his sou Liu ^ Jfl^ Gh^6ng-ya, known in history as ^ ^ ; but the latter turned oat to be a sensualist and was assassinated in 950 by his own officers, thus bringing the dynasty to an end.
1289 Liu Chin §SiJ§. Died A.D. 1510. A native of Jft 2p Hsing- p'ing in "Shensi, whose real surname was ^ T'an. He made himself a eunuch in early life; and after narrowly escaping the punishment of death for falsely borrowing the name Liu, he ingratiated himself with the Emperor Wu Tsung of the Ming dynasty, and rose to be the virtual head of the government. All State documents were first submitted to him, and he decided the gravest matters without even reference to the Emperor. He and seven of his intimate colleagues were so much dreaded that they were known as the Eight Tigers. At length a strong cabal was formed against him (see Tang I-chHng), and he was ordered into banishment by the unwilling Emperor. The latter however proceeded to make a personal search in Liu*s house; and on discovering a number of false seals and tallies, besides various articles of wearing- apparel forbidden to subjects, and the fan he constantly used, which was found to contain two sharp daggers, his Majesty caused him to be executed forthwith.
liu Cllin-t*ang^ ^ ^.A.D. 1849-1894. A purchase licentiate
of Hunan, who joined his uncle's camp in Eansuh in 1870 and
l)y 1880 had fought his way up to the post of Assistant Administrator
of the New Dominion. Brave, adventurous, and of indomitable will,
lie was a great favourite with Tso Tsung-t*ang, for whom he
crashed Yakoob Beg by his dashing advance against Urumtsi,
Turfan, Guchen, Aksu, Ush, and Kashgar in 1876- 78. In October