A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
71Chang I 張揖 (T. 稚讓). Author of the 廣雅, a cyclopedia of miscellaneous information. He held the rank of Doctor in the Imperial Academy under the Emperor Ming Ti of the Wei dynasty, about A.D. 230. 72Chang I-chih 張易之 (T. 五郎). Died A.D. 705. Elder brother of Chang Ch'ang-tsung (q. v.) When the latter had gained the favour of the Empress Wu Hou, he told her Majesty that he had an elder brother who was much cleverer than himself and knew a great deal about the elixir of life. Accordingly Chang I-chih was sent for, and by his beauty and address at once won the heart of the Empress, who conferred upon him various high posts and finally ennobled him as Duke. 73Chang Jang 張讓. Died A.D. 190. A native of Ying-chou in Anhui, who filled the post of chief eunuch under the Emperor Ling Ti of the Han dynasty, and who was the instigator of the objectionable tax levied for the purpose of restoring the Imperial palaces. Upon the death of his master, he and a number of other eunuchs, fearing the vengeance of Yüan Shao, took to flight, carrying