450 A Chinese Biographical Dictionaryemme into fiTOiir: mnd the yemr after ham death he wae automH ft
tnitoroof dedUngi with the Tartue, fail eefim opeMd, hie eons haaiehed, and all hie hoaonre takcD awaj. He wae papvlaily aud to have ^hooey od hie lipa. bat in hie heart a ehaip ewviid.** He had aix danghten; and for tiieai he ananged a faaae eeveen ia eod a way that, witfaoat being aeen Ihnawjlfee, they eoold eee all the joimg men who came to the hoaee and thaa ehoeae their own hoebande. The hair of one <rf hie eone-in-iaw, named ^ ^ Ch^ng Ping, haring tamed white at an earij age, li gare hiai a portion of eome broth which the Emperor had aent aa a pieeent to himadf; and in one night the TOiing maa*a hair had beeome fahi^ AgftiA-
1171 Li Lmg ^||^ (T. ^Hl). let and 2nd eeat aa A militaiT official nnder the Emperor Wn Ti of the Han dyaaafy. He wai eeat in command of 800 horse to reconnoitre the te i iitoy of the Heinng-nn; and returning eneeeeefol from thie expediiMm, he wai promoted to a high command and wae again employed agaiaft these tiooUeeome neigfaboorB. With a foree of on)^ 5000 infontey he penetrated into the Hnong-nn territoiy aa for aa Mi. ^ |^ ling-chi (?). where he was sorronnded by aa army of 30,000 of the Khan's soldiers; and when his troops had eoduwated all their anowB. he was forced to sorreoder. At thie the Kmperoi was forioos (see &»-pim2 Cft^ftfn); and later on« when he heard that li ling wae training the Khan*s soldiers in the art of war aa tiiea p r a ctie ad by the Chineee, he caneed his mother, wife, and childrea to be put to death. li ling remained eome tfrenty yean, antil his death, with the Hsiang-no. and was highly hoaoored by the Khan who gare him his daughter to wife. He m said by j/jj^ ^ Yen Yn to faiTe indented the fire-eharacter line in poetiy.
1172 Li Long-chi ^ g^ £ (Baby name ff |g|). A.D. 68S-7G2.
Third son of li Tan, whom he nooeeded in 712 aa nth Emperor