444 A Chinese Biographical Dictionarya coup de main all the territory west of 3S P^ Ytl-mfin between
^ ^ An-hsi and Su-chou in Eansnh, and styled himself Dnke of Liang^. He was studious and well-read in the Classics and in history. The people canonised him as "^ ^ 3E •
1155 Li K*0-3ning ^ ^ ^ . Died A.D. 908. A renowned commander, who flourished towards the close of the T^ang dynasty. His father, whose surname was ^ ]||J Chu-yeh, was a chieftain of a Turkic tribe occupying a r^ion near Lake Balkash. He himself took service with the Imperial forces, and aided so efficiently in repelling the Turfan invaders that in 869 the Emperor I Tsung conferred upon him the Imperial surname Li, adding to it the honorary name p| |^ Euo-ch'ang. In 884 he put down the rebellion of Huang Gh'ao. In 907 he set up the independent State of Chin in Shansi, with his capital at the modern T'ai-ytlan Fu, and adopted ^ W^ (^sed by the last T'ang Emperor) as his year-title. He excelled in archery, and marvellous tales are told of his skill. From having lost the sight of one eye, he became known as the ^ BBl ^ One-eyed Dragon.
1156 Li Ku ^ @ (T. -^ ^ ). Died A.D. 147. Son of Li Ho. He rose to be Governor of Ching-chou under the Emperor Shun Ti of the Han dynasty, but fell a victim to intrigue in connection with the murder of the Emperor Ghih Ti and the accession of Huan Ti, and was put to death.
1157 Li Ku-yen ^ g ^ (T. >fl|l %). Died A.D. 847. A statesman who held high office under several Emperors of the T^ang dynasty. While still a student he met an old dame who told him tl^at in the following year he would take a place ^^under the hibiscus mirror. When he went up for his examination he found these very words in the theme, and subsequently graduated as chuang yuan or Senior Wrangler.
Lf Kua ^j^. A.D. 742—805. Eldest son of Li Ya, whom he