408 A Chinese Biographical DictionaryIB worth a moment's regret." He retired in 1702, and spent all
he had on the poor of his native Tillage.
1065 Kuo Huang fU yJL • Ist cent. A.D. Brother to the ccnsort of the Emperor Enang Wn Ti of the Han dynasty. The latter bestowed upon him sach vast sums of money, not to mention Taloable jewels, that his home became known as the ^ ^ Gold-pit.
1066 Kuo Jung ||J ^. A.D. 921-959. Son of ^ ^ jjjg Ch'ai Shou-li, brother-in-law to Eno Wei, and adopted son of the latter, whom he succeeded as second Emperor of the Later Chon dynas^, having been previously known as Prince of Chin. He carried on saccessful wars against the Eitans and Northern Hans, and increased his territory. He seized on all the bronze images of Buddha and converted them into cash, declaring that Bnddha himself, who gate up so much for mankind, would raise no objections. He was canonised as jji^ ^, and succeeded by his six-year-old son, who shortly afterwards brought the dynasty to a close by resigning in favour of Ghao E'uang-yiu.
1067 Kuo Kung-Ch'en HJ ^ J^ • 12th cent. A.D. A native of H^ ? San-shan in Anhui, and a famous portrait-painter under th^^ Sung dynasty. He was a pupil of Chu Hsi, and took to paintin^^ as an amusement.
1068 Kuo Kuo ^ H . The title bestowed upon the youngest sister^ of Yang Euei-fei. She was said to be beautiful without the aid^ of rouge.
1069 Kuo P«0 HJ ^ (T. :^ Jjfcfi). A.D. 276-324. A native of Wfin- - hsi in Ho-tung. Early distinguished as a scholar and master of the art of literary composition, in later life he became famous as an exponent of the doctrines of Taoism. In his youth he is said to have received from one ^ ^ Euo Eung a black bag, containing a treatise from which he learnt natural philosophy, astronomy, and
divination. He was the reputed founder of the art of geomancy as