A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
1020 Kung Chao-yüan 龔照瑗 (T. 仰蓮). A purchase licentiate of Anhui, who was Taot'ai at Chefoo in 1886, and at Shanghai from 1886—1890 when he became Judge of Chehkiang. In August 1891 he went as Treasurer to Ssǔch'uan, and in November 1893 was appointed Minister to England, France, Italy, Belgium, and Sweden and Norway. In 1895 he became Director of the Banqueting Court, and in 1896 of the Court of Sacrificial Worship. 1021 Kung Chih-ch'i 宮之奇. 7th cent. B.C. The famous Minister of the Yü State, who advised his prince not to allow the Chins to pass through the country on their way to attack the Kuo State. He argued that the latter was an outlying defence of the Yü State, and that "if the lips perish, the teeth will feel cold," a phrase frequently used by Chinese diplomatists in modern times. 1022
Kung-hsi Ch'ih 公西赤 (T. 子華). Born B.C. 510. A