366 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
of his Tiolent temper^ and he went to liTe with the broker, a man named Eao, whose somame he adopted. About a year later he got into the paU^e once more, and made himself so aeeeptable to the Heir Apparent, by warmly espousing his canse against the party of the T^ai-p^ing Prineess, that the forma*, on mounti]^ the throne in 713, at once appmnted him to high oflBce. His power and inflnence gradually increased until all the great officials of the empire found themseWes oUiged to pay court to him, while the new Heir Apparent was instructed to bdiave towards him ss towards an elder broUier. In 748 he was appointed Geneimliasimo of the empire. He appears to hare shown much foresif^t and discrrtioD on many points inTolring the wel£ue of Uie State. He protested against his master^s oTcr-fondness for Yang Kuei-fei; he warned his Majesty against An Ln-shan; and he <^posed li Fn-kua When all was lost, he remained fidthful to the follen Emperor, accompanying him in his flight to SsOchSian; and the same hand which had once drawn off the boots of the port li Po, now tightened the noose which cut off the beautiful Yang Kuei-fei finom the light of day. In 760 he was banidied by li Fu-kno to 7f\ Wu-chou in Eneichou, but in 763 he was pardoned and allowed to return. Then, when he saw the dying statements of tbe last two Emperors, he turned iowaids the north, and in th^ bitterness of his grief Tomited blood and died.
957 Kao Lien-shêng (T. j^ g )• Served under Ts&ig Euo-ftn in various pioTinces. reaching the rank of Brigade General in 1S62. He then serred under Tso Tsu^^t^ang is Chehkiang and Fuhkien. In 1S65 he was Oommander-in-diief i^ Euangtung. where he suceecded in stamping out the last djing embers of the Pai-p"ing lebdlion. Transfenvd te Shaui as fieutenant to T» Tsuug-t*ang« he was killed by mutinous aoldien in 1869.
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