332 A Chinese Biographical Dictionarywithout once thinkiDg of home. Ultimately his brother found him
and aaked him where the sheep were; to which he replied, **0n the east side of the mountain." Proceeding thither, his brother found only some scattered white boulders; but Huang Ch^u-pHng accompanied him on a second visit to the spot and called oat, Sheep, get up!** Thereupon the white stones became sheep, to the number of several tens of thousands.
851 Huang Chü-pao 黃居寶 (T. 辭玉) Second son of Huang Ch'üan, distinguished as an artist and calligraphist. 852 Huang Ch'üan (T. ^M)- of €h'eng-tu in Sstich'uan, who held high office under M£ng Ch'ang, the last ruler of the Posterior Shu State. But he is chiefly known as an artist, excelling in drawing of aU kinds. On one occasion, when certain envoys brought some falcons to Court under the Sung dynasty, as tribute, the birds mistook a painting of pheasants by Huang Gh'flan for real live pheasants, and immediately flew to attack them. 853 Huang Fan-ch'o 8th cent. A.D. An instructor of operatic performers under the reign of the Emperor Ming Huang, put to death by the rebel An Lu-shan because he refused to renounce his allegiance. 854 Huang-fu Mi (T. ± ^)- A.D. 215-282. A &mous scholar, who up to the age of twenty showed a positive dislike for all study and led a wild life. Some even thought him daft. But he was very fond of his aunt with whom he lived, and would bring home to her frequent presents of fruit which had been given to himself; and his aunt pointed out to him that according to the Canon filial piety was not made up of fish, flesh, and fowl, but rather of diligence and right conduct. Thereupon he at once set to work at books, carrying on his studies even while engaged in the
agricultural pursuits necessary to earn his living. By perseverance