316 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary809
Hsün Shuang (T. ^V^). A.D. 128-190. Oaeof the eight sons of ^ ;j^ Hsiln Sho (T. ^^). He was such a precocioas youth, being well-versed in the Spring dnd Autumn and the Analects by the time he was twelve years old, that the saying arose, '^Amoug the eight dragons of the Hstin family, Tz'tL-ming is without his peer." Entering into oflScial life, in 165 he became secretary in a Board, and continued to fill various ofiBces until Tung Gho seized the supreme power. He then attempted flight but was constrained to take ofiBce as Minister, a post which he had held only ninety- four days when he was overtaken by illness and died.
810 Hsün Yü (T. ^ ^). A.D. 161-211. A native of •1^ f^ Ying-yin in Anhui. Graduating in 189 he attached himself to the fortunes of Ts^ao Ts^ao, whose star seemed to him to be in the ascendant, and became his trusted adviser. In 196 he was raised to high office by the Emperor Hsien Ti, and in 199, upon the defeat of Yiian Shao, was ennobled as Marquis, Ts'ao Ts'ao recommending that even more emoluments should be assigned to him. However, in 21 1| when ||^ ^ Tung Chao and others wished Ts^ao Ts^ao to be ennobled as Duke and to be presented with the ^^nine valuable gifts," upon being consulted by them he obeerved that such procedure would be out of keeping with the character of the ^^superior man." Ts^ao Ts^ao did not foi^ve this, and intrigued to get HsQn YQ sent upon a campaign in the south. As he WAS starting he fell ill, and Ts^ao Ts^ao sent him a present of food to speed him on his way ; but when the dishes were opened they were found to be empty. Thereupon HsQn took poison and died. It was said of him by Liu Chi that if he called at a person's house, he imparted to the place a fragrance which lasted for three days. Canonised as |^.
811 Hsün Yüeh (T ). A.D. 148-209. Ldk an orphan
at au early age, by the time he was 12 he was ikoiaiighly