A Chinese Biographical Dictionary
652Ho Kuan Tsŭ 鶡冠子. A recluse of the Ch'u State, classed among the Taoist philosophers. He is said to have made his cap of pheasants' feathers, and his name is still used to designate actors who wear such caps upon the stage. 653Ho Kuang 霍光 (T. 子孟). Died B.C. 68. The illegitimate brother of Ho Ch'ü-ping, who took him to Ch'ang-an when about ten years of age. He grew to be over seven feet in height, with a fine beard and clear piercing eyes. He rose to high office under the Emperor Wu Ti, whom he served faithfully and energetically for over twenty years. In B.C. 91, when the Emperor, disgusted with the behaviour of his three sons by the Empress, wished to make Fu Ling Heir Apparent, he felt that Ho Kuang was the one man upon whom he could rely. In token thereof he caused the Court artist to paint a picture of Chou Kung bearing in his arms the little Prince Ch'êng, second sovereign of the Chou dynasty, and publicly presented it to Ho Kuang. For his share in suppressing the conspiracy of Mang Ho-lo (see Chin Mi'ti) he was