498 A Chinese Biographical DictionaryAnnaUy and meant that he did not openly praise and blame, but
kept his judgments to himself. Hsieh An remarked of him, ^'Though Ch'u P'ou says nothing, yet he acts like the varying influences of the four seasons;*' meaning that he could warm to life or chill to death, as occasion might require, without even opening his lips. 494 Ch'u Sui-liang 褚遂良 (T. 登善). A.D. 596-658. An official who rose to high office under the first Emperor of the T'ang dynasty. Appointed Guardian of the Heir Apparent, he continued to enjoy the favour of the young Emperor, who ennobled him as Duke. In A.D. 655 he strenuously opposed the elevation of the Empress Wu Hou, to the great dissatisfaction of the Emperor. The climax was reached when in full Court dress he flung himself at the foot of the throne, and beat his head in obeisance upon the ground until the blood flowed freely. He was dismissed to a provincial post and finally banished to Korea where he died, his two sons being shortly afterwards put to death. In later years he took up with Buddhism, and is said to have sat in a niche with an image of Maitrêya Buddha. He was famous as a calligraphist, and is regarded as a disciple of Wang Hsi-chih.
Ch'u Ti. See Shih Ch'ung-kuei.
495 Ch'u Yin-liang (T. ). Died A.D. 1785. A writer on the Classics, chiefly on the ^ j|§ Decorum Ritual; but more especially a mathematician and astronomer. 496 Ch'u Ying 1st cent. A.D. The name under which is known Ting, Prince of Gh^u, sixth son of the Emperor Euang Wu Ti of the Han dynasty. He is said to ha?e been one of the first in China to become a believer in the Buddhist religion.
497 Ch'u Yüan (T. ). A.D. 435-482. The son of a
princess of the Northern Sung dynasty, and one of the p^ ^