A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 197than submit to the new dynasty. In consequence of his father's
death he steadily declined to enter upon a public career, and gave up his life to study and teaching. He was the author of commentaries upon the Great Learning and the Doctrine of the Mean^ and of other works; but none of these is so famous as his Family Maanms^ which has sometimes been published under the title of -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , as though the great Chu Hsi had been the author. His iiayourite saying was, 'To know what one ought to know, and to do what one ought to do, that is enough; there is no time for anything else.**
490 Ch'u I . A swashbuckler of the Chin State, employed by Duke Ling to assassinate ^ ^ -^ Cbao Hsflan Tzti. But when he saw "the people's lord," sitting ready dressed and waiting to go to Court, he could not bring himself to strike the fatal blow. It would be a disloyal act," said he; "and yet it is a breach of fiujih to disobey the Duke " Thereupon he dashed out his own brains ag^ainst a tree.
491 Ch'u-k'u . A.D. 1615-1675. Won the title of baturu by his prowess at the age of 17, and later on shared in the pursuit of Li TzQ-ch'tog and the destruction of Chang Hsien-chung, and in the expedition of 1652 against the Ordos Mongols. In 1656 he fought a successful engagement off Foochow with Eoxiuga's fleet. Canonised as ^ ^i: , and admitted into the Temple of Worthies.
492 Ch'u Kuang-hsi 8th cent. A.D. A native of ^ Jun- chou in Eiangsu, who graduated as chin shih in 726 and distinguished himself as a poet. He rose to the rank of Censor about A.D. 750, and left a collection of his writings entitled ^ ^ j^ ^ .
493 Ch'u P'ou (T. ^ ^ ). 4th cent. A D. A military official of the Chin dynasty, who was said by the father of Huan W§n to have had the Spring and Autumn inside him. This remark
was based upon the well known "praise and blame" theory of the