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188 A Chinese Biographical Dictionary

in 780. In 782 he was recalled to the capital and received high rank bnt no power, his brother Cha ]^ T'ao haying revolted. In 783 the troops sent against Li Hsi-lieh mutinied while passing Lo-yang, and the Emperor fled to Ftog»t4en in Shensi. The mutineers, old soldiers of Chu Tz'tt, placed him at their head, and he styled himself Emperor of the Han dynasty; but he failed to capture Fdng-t'ien, and in spite of the friendship of Li Hnai- kuang, was driyen from Ch^ang-an in 784. He was slain by one of his own officers while trying to reach the Turfan.

474 Chu Wang Shên related that in the country of the ^ ^ Teh-lang a girl was once washing linen when suddenly a large piece of bamboo was drifted up to her feet. Hearing a sound from within, the girl broke open the bamboo and found a man-child. This child became in time a great warrior and made himself chief of the Teh-lang, adopting Chu as his surname. In B»C. Ill, when the Teh-lang territory was absorbed into the empire, he tendered his submission and received from the Emperor a seal of jade. Was worshipped after death as a god.

475 Chu Wên . A.D. 854-914. A native of ^ ^Ij Tang- shan in Honan. He began by following the fortunes of Huang Ch^ao; but in 882 he submitted, and was appointed to be Magistrate at ]^ Pien-chou by the Emperor Hsi Tsung, his name being changed from Wdn to ^ J^ Ch'flan-chung. The last Emperor of the T'ang dynasty, in return for his rescue from the eunuchs, made him Prince of Liang, and ultimately became a puppet in his hands. He compelled the weak monarch to move the capital from Ch'ang-an to Lo-yang which was Chu^s own place of residence; and in 904 he assassinated him and all his sons, except one boy of fourteen who abdicated in Chu*s favour in 907. He then changed his name to ^ Huang, and mounted

the throne as first Emperor of the Later Liang dynasty. In 909

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