176 A Chinese Biographical Dictionarymorality. His principle was simply oue of consistency. He refused
to interpret words in a given passage in one sense, and the same words occurring elsewhere, in another sense. In the preface to his 四書朱子本義匯參, published in 1745, 王步 靑 Wang Pu-ch‘ing (bom 1671) has the following passage: — “Shao Yung tried to explain the Canon of Changes by numbers, and Ch‘êng I by the eternal fitness of things; but Chu Hsi alone was able to pierce through the meaning and appropriate the thought of the prophets who composed it.” His other best known works are the 近思錄, metaphysical treatise containing the essence of his later speculations, and the 小學 Lesser Learning, a handbook for the young. He was ennobled as Duke, and canonised as 文, and in 1241 his tablet was placed in the Confucian Temple.
447 Chu Hsü 朱序. 4th cent. A.D. Governor of Hsiang-yang in Hupeh when it was besieged by the lieutenants of Fu Chien. His mother, heading a body of some hundred men, together with all the women of the city, proceeded to throw up an earthwork, afterwards known as the 夫人城 Ladies’ Rampart, by means of which the enemy’s assault was effectually repulsed.
448 Chu Huan 朱桓 (T. 休穆). Died A.D. 238. A hot-tempered but brave and honest officer under Sun Ch‘üan. In A.D. 222 he was ennobled as Marquis for successfully repelling an incursion by 曺仁 Ts‘ao Jen of the Wei Kingdom.
449 Chu Huan 朱桓 (T. 浯村. H. 拙存)- Author of the 歷 代名臣言行錄, a biographical dictionary of eminent officials, published in A.D. 1758.
450 Chu I 朱邑 (T. 仲鄕). Died B.C. 61. A pure and incorrupt official of the Han dynasty, who rose to be Minister of Agriculture. In early life he had been a petty Magistrate at 桐鄕 T‘ung-
hsiang in Chehkiang, and had so won the love of the people that