A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 147
palaces. One of these, in which he was living at the time, having canght fire, he removed to another, which shortly afterwards also took fire. This gave him sach a shock that he fell ill and died. Canonised as ^ ^ .
375 Chih Hsi (T. JC ^)* 2nd and 3rd cent. A.D. Bosom 375 friend of E'nng Jnng. When the latter was executed, and no one dared to show sympathy, he rushed forwards and flung himseK upon the corpse, crying out, ^*0 my friend, let me die with thee! What have I now to live for?*' He was immediately arrested by order of Ts*ao Ts'ao, but was subsequently pardoned.
376 Chih-i Died A.D. 597. A native of Ting-ch'uan in Anhui, named ^ ^ ^ Gh^6n T6-an, who became a Buddhist priest under the above name and was leader of the Ohung-Iun school of Buddhism (see Hui-asU). In 569 he parted from Hui-sstl, whose views on Samadhi and the Lotus Stltra he had fully acquired; and in 575 he betook himself to the ^ ]^ T4en-t'ai Hill in Chehkiang, where he died after founding the famous T^ien-Vai school from which he is sometimes called. Besides considerable literary work on the Canon, he is said to have founded 35 large monasteries, and to have personally ordained over 4,000 Buddhist priests. The Emperor Yang Ti wrote his epitaph.
Chih Ti. See Liu Tsuan.
377 Ch'ih Sung Tzŭ . A being who controlled the rain and wind in the legendary age of Shen Nung. Among other feats, he was able to pass unharmed through fire.
378 Ch'ih Yu . A famous rebel , who tried to overthrow the power of the Yellow Emperor, B.C. 2698, but was defeated in battle at |^ ^ Cho-lu, the capital, in modern Chihli.
379 Chin Fu (T. 31^®). A.D. 1633-1692. A native of Liao-yang, who in 1671 was sent to Anhui as Governor, and
there succeeded in re-introducing the irrigation system. From 1677