A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 145
death continued to receire marks of Imperial fayonr. On his sixtieth birthday, while feasting the Imperial envoy who had brought him some Talaable presents, a shooting star was seen to fall as it were in his bedroom, its brightness illumining the whole courtyard. And during the night he died. Canonised as J^ ^ .
366 Ch'ien Ta-hsin (T. ^fi;. H. ^;(i and >ft tf). A.D. 1727-1804. A natire of ^ ^ Chia-ting in Eiangsu. Taking his degree in 1754, he was for some time employed in editing various works on geography for the Court. In 1767 he went as Literary Chimcellor to Canton, but was soon forced to retire in mouruiug, after which he steadfastiy refused to resume his official career, contenting himself with the headship of a college in his native place. His studies embraced the Classics, history, music, archaeology, genealogy, geography, and mathematics, in all of which he was distinguished. His principal works are Zl "p Zl yi ^ ^ a critical examination of the Twenty-two Dynastic Histories, and the "^ ^ ^ ^i & ^^U clever collection of essays. He also wrote poems , notes on the pottery of the Y^n dynasty, the ^^, which was published after his death, and the ^ ^ 1^ , in which the births and deaths of many eminent persons are given with the correct dates.
367 Ch'ien Tien (T. J^:^). Graduated as hsiu ts'ai in A.D. 1744. A skilled writer of the lesser seal character, and author of several works on the Classics and on geography.
368 Ch'ien Tsai (T. il|l --. H. ^ ;g and ^1^). A.D. 1708—1793. A native of Chia-hsing in Chehkiang. He graduated as chin ahih in 1752, and rose to be President of the Board of Rites. But he is chiefly famous as a painter, especially of the bamboo and orchidaceous plants. Also known as ]j^ ^ J§ "^ •
369 Ch'ien Tso (T. ^ jl). A.D. 928-947. Son of Ch'ien
YOan-kuan, and third Prince of Wu and Yileh. He was only