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A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 141Chien Wên Ti. See (Chin) Ssŭ-ma Yü; (Liang) Hsiao Kang.

358 Ch'ien Ch'ên-ch'ün 錢陳羣 (T. 主敬 H. $ ^). A.D. 1686 — 1744. A natiye of Ohia-hsing in Ghehkiang, who graduated as chin shih in 1721, and by 1752, when a throat affection necessitated his retirement, had risen to be Vice President of the Board of Pnnishments. His mother, who had in his youth supported the family by the sale of her paintings, styling herself ^ lil ^ \^ ^^ ^^^ ^®° ^^ tutor; and in 1766 the Emperor accepted a book of her pictures, each bearing a descriptive Terse from his father's pen. He himself was no mean poet, and celebrated in Terse each notable achicToment in peace or war during the reign of Gh'ien Lung, presenting them written in "grass" or other fanciful characters. The Emperor and he were wont at frequent interrals to exchange poems and drawings, and he is one of the Five Men of Letters of Gh4en Lung (see Chang Chdo). He enjoyed great popularity, and was uniTcrsally mourned. Canonised as ^ jj^ , and included in the Temple of Worthies.

359 Ch'ien Ch'i (T. or ). 8th cent. A.D. A natife of Wu-hsing, who flourished as a poet under the T^ang dynasty contemporaneously with Wang Wei, to whom he addresses one of his poems. He graduated as chin ahih about 750, and was one of the Ten Men of Genius of the period A.D. 766—779.

360 Ch'ien Chieh . Famous as the only instance of a ? 7C ^^triple first** under the present dynasty; that is to say, he graduated as ^Jt), '^JCi and jj^TC successiTcly. See Ch^en Chi^ch^ang.

361 Ch'ien Liu (T. ^||). A.D. 851-932. A natWe of Lin-an in Chehkiang, noted as a child for the skill with which lie drilled his playmates as soldiers, while he sat under a big tree and directed their CTolutions. He grew up with a distaste for

ordinary occupations, and took to salt smuggling for a liTing. He

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