A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 123
should the latter grieye for him overmuch. And as the father became seriously ill after the death of Gh'i Ch'ao, the box was handed over to him. Then his sorrow was turned into regret that his son had lived so long.
303 Ch'i Chao-nan (T. H. and J| ^). 18th cent. A.D. A native of Ghehkiang. After serving as Reader in the Grand Secretariat, he became President of the Board of Bites in 1748. In 1749 he retired, and was appointed to be head of a college, his retirement being due to a fall from a horse which impaired his once marvellous powers of memory. Besides being a deep student of geography, he was the author of several works on history and chronology. He also published a collection of poems , and the ^ ^ '^ iM t ^ description of the rivers and water-courses of China, Korea, Tibet, and Mongolia.
304 Ch'i Chi-kuang (T. jt^. H. ^^). Died A.D. 1585. A native of TSng-chou in Shantung, who rose to be a military captain in Ghehkiang, and distinguished himself by repelling an invasion of the Japanese, for which services he was promoted to be Lieutenant-Colonel. Subsequent achievements of a similar nature in Fuhkien gained for him the distinction of Senior Guardian of the Heir Apparent and other honours, but he was compelled by illness to retire soon afterwards into private life. Author of the H ^ gf ^ and of the ^ ^ ff # , works on military training, strategy, etc. Canonised as ;^^*
305 Ch'i Chien . 4th cent. A.D. Father-in-law of Wang Hsi- chih. When about to marry his daughter, he sent to obtain one of the sons of Wang Tao. The go-between reported that all the sons were nice young fellows, except one who lay en dishabilU on a couch and paid no attention to what was said. Gh4 Chien at once chose him.
Ch'i-fu Ch'ien-kuei . Died A.D. 410. Brother of