A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 95
Vice President of the Court of Censors, and in 1882 Minister of the Tsung-li Yamên. From the latter post he was dismissed in 1884, and a month later he retired into private life.
232 Ch'ên Li 陳櫟 (T. 壽翁) A.D. 1252-1333. A native of 休寧 Hsiu-ning in Anhui. At three years of age his grandmother taught him to repeat by heart the Canon of Filial Piety and the Confucian Analects; at five he was reading the Canon and general history; at seven he was qualified to take his chin shih degree; and at fifteen he was regarded as the greatest literary authority in the neighbourhood. He declined to hold office under the Mongols, and devoted himself to teaching, being known to his disciples as 定宇先生 from the name he gave to his house. Author of the 歷朝通畧, an historical work covering the period from Fu Hsi down to the close of the Sung dynasty.
233 Ch'ên Lin 陳琳 2nd cent. A.D. A native of Kuang-ling in Kiangsu. He began life as official secretary to Ho Chin; but subsequently passed into the service of Ts'ao Ts'ao, who had a high opinion of his skill as a dispatch-writer. He was a poet of some distinction, and is ranked among the Seven Scholars of the Chien-an period (see Hsü Kan).
234 Ch'ên Mêng-lei 陳夢雷. 17th and 18th cent. A.D. A scholar who flourished under the reign of the Emperor K'ang Hsi, and took a leading part in the preparation of the great encyclopædia known as the 圖書集成. No sooner, however, had Yung Chêng acceded to the throne than Ch'ên and his son were banished to the frontier, on the ground that the former had been mixed up in the rebellion of Kêng Ching-chung in 1674, and that although pardoned by the late Emperor, he had committed further acts of lawlessness and disloyalty. The continuation of the work was thereupon entrusted to Chiang T'ing-hsi.
235 Ch'ên Min-hsiu 陳敏修 . 12th cent. A.D. A scholar of the