4090 Corrigenda tt Addenda
N». 364, 4th line firom fiwt For "1723" re^ *i793." „ 398. Sub6titate "B. C TJ--3ir
„ 426. For "152" read "143," mod for "A, D." rmd "B. C." „ 458. „ "yoanger" rml "dder." „ 483. „ '4309" read "1308." „ 511. After "Lirodia" add "in 1878." „ 514. After "Wu Ti" add "in B. C. 138." Page 210 Add "DharmadAtii. See Wn K'liiig." N«. 539, 544. For "Ts'^ng" read "Tafeng."
N». 541. For "441" read "401." For "attacked — Wfcn", sobstitute "pfloMied the Emperor by his bold remonstrances." It was fear of Ssii-ma W^ (:= Huan W6n) which had kept him firom taking ofiBoe ontU so late. „ 554. For "Sungans" read ^'Songars." Page 222. Insert "Fang La ^ |g^ . 12th cent A. D. A native of ^ ^ Gh'ing-ch'i in Chehkiang, who devoted himself to the black art In 1120 he headed a rising of the people which grew to serious dimens- ions, called himself ffi ^ , and took ^ JK as his year-title. At length the Emperor Hui Tsung was alarmed, and sent against him a large force under T^ung Kuan, the result being that he and all his family were captured." N«. 588. For *.*1688" read "1668." „ 597. For "1402" read "1042." N». 608. Substitute "Died .8. C. 133." „ 664. For "Hsun Ch'ing" (his sobriquet) read "HsCin K'uang." „ 629. Before "YU Yu" insert ^ J^ . „ 630. For "A. D." read "B. C." Page 269. Insert "Howqua. See N*. 2336."
„ 271, last line. For "chiao" read "hsiao." N«. 718. For "Younger" read "Elder." „ 722. Substitute "A. D. 574—647." „ 726. Substitute "Died A. D. 713." „ 727. Add that he was a jjfA "^ Divine Child, noted for his poetry, and
often spoken of as ^jA ^^ ;j^ •
„ 744. For ^^ read j^. Add "He rose to high office under the Emperor Ming Ti of the S. Gh^i dynasty, and refused out of gratitude to take part in the deposition of Hsiao Pao-chOan, whereupon he was thrown into prison and died there. Known as /J> ^U'." „ 770. Substitute "Died A. D. 684." „ 777. For "Liu Ch(^n" read "Liu Chfeng." Page 313. For "Yii Wdn-yung" read "Ytl.w6n Yung."
N®. 802. For ^ read