Piñon Bill's Bluff.
finger, for this Piñon Bill is cool an' ca'm plumb through. He's still got the drop on the kid, while he's holdin' baby an' bridle both with the other arm an' hand. His sharp eyes is on the Deef Woman, too.
"She springs, but she never makes it. Piñon Bill jumps his pony sideways out of her reach, an' at that the Deef Woman c'lapses on her face an' shoulder in a dead swoon.
"'Adios!' says Piñon Bill, to the rest of us, backin' an' sidlin' his pony up the street so he don't lose sight of the play. 'Ten minutes from now you-alls finds this yere infant a mile from camp as safe an' solid as a sod house.'
"'Bill,' says Enright, all at once, 'I makes you a prop'sition. Restore the baby to me, an' thar ain't a gent in camp who follows you a foot. I gives you the word of Wolfville.'
"'Does that go?' demands Piñon Bill, turnin to Jack, who's shakin' the blood offen his fingers where it runs down his arm.
"'It goes,' says Jack; 'goes wherever Enright sets it. I makes good his bluffs at all times on foot or in the stirrups.'
"'An' I takes your promise,' says Piñon Bill with a laugh, 'an' yere's the baby. Which now I'm goin', I don't mind confidin' in you-alls,' goes on this Piñon Bill, 'that I never intends to hurt that infant nohow.'
"Enright gets the child, an' in no time later