drops this yere Burke. Nacrerally, everybody's deeply taken to know who does it; for if thar's a party in camp who's out to shoot when your back's turned, findin' of him an' hangin' him can't be too pop'lar an' needful as a play. But, as I remarks, we're baffled, an' up ag'inst it absoloote. No one has the least notion who gets this yere Burke. It's money as is the object of the murder, for Burke's war-bags don't disclose not a single centouse when the committee goes through 'em prior to the obsequies.
"It's two days the camp is talkin' over who does this crime, when Texas Thompson begins to shed a beam of light. This last was onlooked for, an' tharfore all the more interestin'.
"Texas Thompson is a jedge of whiskey sech as any gent might tie to. He's a middlin' shot with a Colt's .44 an' can protect himse'f at poker. But nobody ever reckons before that Texas can think. Which I even yet deems this partic'lar time a inspiration, in which event Texas Thompson don't have to think.
"It's over in the Red Light the second after. noon when Texas turns loose a whole lot.
"'Enright,' he says, 'I shore has a preemonition this yere Burke gets plugged by Piñon Bill.'
"'How does the kyards run so as to deal s'picions on Piñon Bill?' says Enright.
"'This a-way,' says Texas, some confident an' cl'ar; 'somebody downs Burke; that's dead cer-