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49105611 - A910608


JUL-DEC. 1977

i910563 (con.) successf ullT. O Hary Leslie 6 Oa>id D. Seltz; 2lio»77: A910563.

>9 10 5611. Predericksburq. Text by BoDald E. Shlbler, photoqcaphy by K. Jane Iseley. 64 p. C Booald E. Shlbley E !l. Jane Iseley: 1lio»77: »91056il.

4910 565. Basic principles of organic cheaistry. By John 0. Boberts S Haciocie C. Casecio. 2nd ed. 1596 p. C H. i. Ben-iaain. Inc.; 1Jal77; 4910565.

4910566. 4 Study qoide to Basic principles of orqanic chemistry. By John D. Boberts S aar-)otie C. Caserio. 2nd ed. 622 p. Add. ti: student supplement for: Basic principles of orqanic chemistry. i. 4. Beniamin, Inc.: 29Jul77; 4910566.

A910567. A Proposal to conduct a manaqement cevieii of the occupational analysis proqram of the Onited States Employment Service. 1 v. Arthur Tounq and Company: 304uq77: 4910567.

49 10 568. TD contest. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Thomas B. Neiiton. O Thomas B. Neiitoo; 1No>77; 4910S6B.

4910569. EudosLin iu-jitsu. By Georqe A. Kirby. 1 V. HH: additions. O Georqe A. Kirby; 10ct77: 4910569.

4910570. Guardians of proof: a study and Intcoductlon. By Bandall Eacl McKay. 42 p. B. E. HcKay; 5Hay77; 4910570.

4910571. The Principles of success: instructor's manuals basic course. 42 p. Appl. au: Vernon E. Johnson. (^ Vernon E. Johnson: 290ct77: 49 10571.

4910572. The Development of elementary guidance in the D.C. public schools from 1963 through 1973. By Charles Edmard Farmer. 77 p. C Charles Ednard Farmer; 3Dec73: 4910572.

4910 573. Hidden vords, 1. scrambled words* 1. By Bobert G. Forest. Folder 6 cards. (Vocabulary builder series, 6) curriculum 4ssociates, Inc.; 2Feb75; 4910573.

4910574. Add and spiji. little nerd, big mord. By Bobert G. Forest. Folder & cards. (Vocabulary builder series. 4) O Curriculum Associates, Inc.; 30Apr74; A910574.

A910S75. Anagrammar. By Bobert G. Forest. Folder e cards. Curriculum Associates, Inc.: 304pr74: 4910575.

4910 576. BOH to open an elegant resale boutique. By Denise Bichards. 59 p. C Denise Bichards: 1Jul77: 4910576.

A910 577. September song. By Eunice Vander Kolk. 76 p. O Eunice Vander Kolk: 15Aug77: 4910577.

4910578. Hi lite of mountain cooking. By Hariorie Gay Uaqes. 227 p. Sarjorie Gay gages: 260Ct77; 4910578.

4910579. Teratolog: a book of poem (sic) , 1960-1973. By Steven D. ielp. 1 v. O Steven D. Help; 21iov77; 4910579.

4910580. Uorks from the red bound slate. By Jan Hendryks, pseud, of Dorothy Teeter, illus. by Evelyn Babbitt. 77 p. O Village Publishing Company: 7Dec76: A910580.

A910581. I work over at the cuckoo's nest. Poems by Thomas Bonald Vaughao. 48 p. C Thomas Bonald Vaughan: 210ct77: A910581.

A910582. The Perennial problem, periodicals: how a small Best Indian independent school proposes to solve its periodical problem. By Bobert V. Vaughn. 16 p. 6 Bobert V. Vaughn: 310ct77: A910582.

A910583. The First Thanksgiving. By Nancy E. Gregg. 21 p. Mancy E. Gregg; 4Nov77; A910583.

A910584. Church history. By Gerald N. Wilkinson. 23 p. Abbott Loop Christian Center; 31Aug77: A910584.

4910585. The Scientific strategy of multip- lication. 2 p. Appl. au: Carl Harris (Atjdullah Islam Huhammad) Carl Harris (in notice: Carl Harris a.k.a. 4bdullah Islam Huhammad); 2flov77; 4910585.

A910586. Hy cross and Hand families (and my Beeman, Hamrick, Johnson, Page, Poole, Vance. Bells, tjtlliamson, and Hoodward famili.es) By Jeanne Hand Henry. 286 p. O Jeanne Hand Henry: 310ct71; A910586.

A910587. Pipe line catalog; equipment, materials, and services for the construction, operation, and maintenance of pipe lines and gas dxstribution systems. Compiler; Bobert P. Bust. 1978 ed. , 19th revision. 399 p. Add. ti: PLC: pipe lice catalog. The Gulf Publishing Company; 2llov77: A910587.

A910588. Traditional Chinese southern and eastern cuisine. By Esther Chen, illus. by Bonita Jo Herrbach. 158 p. Esther Chen; 30Sep77; A910588.

A910589. African American workshop. By Lucille Ballower, assisted by Harilyn niller Porter. 132 p. O Penns Valley Pub- lishers; 190ct77; 4910589.

A910S90. A Proposal to analyze residential property values within the highway impact zone; technical proposal. BFP-494-7, amendment nq. 1. I v. Arthur young and Company: 29Aug77; A9ia590.

4910591. Oral health aide: a training program for long-term care facilities. 1 v. Appl. au: Hary A. Fitch. Hary A. Fitch; 120ct77; A910591.

A910592. Beautiful home plans. Bo. 15. Appl. au: Bicbard S. Campen. NH: additional teit 6 pictorial matter. Bouse Plan Headquarters, Inc.; 3Sov77; 4910592.

A910593. Tandem milking stalls installation. 5 p. Appl. au: Bichard floysey. The De Laval Separator Company; 29Sep77: A910593.

4910594. Don't let slick slogans sell you, shop for life insurance. Form 1300. 1 p. 4ppl. au: U. V. Hurdaugh, for Insurance Shoppers, Inc. Insurance Shoppers. Inc.; 31IOV77: 4910594.

4910595. The Pacts collector. Form 1277-2. 1 p. Appl. au: B. V. Hurdaugh. NH: rear- rangement of data. O B. V. Hurdaugh; 3HOV77; A910595.

A910596. Decor, drama and design in fioman painti^ng. By Alan H. G. Little, edited by Catherine T. Little. 28 p. Alan H. G. Little; 1NOV77; A910596.

A9I0597. Art Pepper: The Trip. Cover 6 liner photos, by Laurie Pepper, design by George Kershaw. Becord jacket. Appl. au: Contemporary Beccrds. Inc. O Contemporary Records, Inc.; 2Jun77; A910597.

A910598. Context phonetic clues. By Joyce Scinto. 23 p. G cards in box. O Curriculum Associates. Inc. ; 280ct77; A910598.

A910599. Beading skills practice kit. By Stan Laird. Folder C cards in box. O Curriculum Associates. Inc. ; 30Hay76; A910599.

A9106aa. Brite to spell. By Judith a. Schif- ferle. Kit. O Curriculum Associates. Inc.; 30Bay76; A910600.

A910601. Energy usage in the home: a game of ecology. Kit. Appl. au; ueral Tom Allen. Van-Hood Publishing Company, Inc. ; 5Aug77: A910601.

A910602. The Statuette. By Jane kald t Kathleen Bakefield. 248 p. e Jane Bald 6 Kathleen Bakefield; 270ct77; 4910602.

A910603. Three Christian doctors consider a matter of life after death. 35 p. Appl. au: Bmil Gaverluk. Sergio San Pedro, Hichael Haxwell e Joseph Bekoe. Southwest Badio Church: 10ct77; A91060 3.

A910604. Live to be 100: how sex and vitamins can keep you from becoming old. By Barrett aorrison, pseud, of Bandall Barrett Hake. 46 p. Bandall Barrett Hake; 1AU977: A9 10604.

A910605. Hew and selected poems. By Hilliam J. Taylor. 64 p. NM: additions 6 editorial selection. Hilliam J. Taylor; 27oct77; 4910605.

A9 10606. Bhat's left is right: what to do with leftovers when you're desperate. By Susan Sibley (Susan Sibley Kinuicutt) , illus. by J. Gordon Boyd. 136 p. Susan Sibley; 290ct77: A910b06.

4910607. northeast Lake. SO. regional telephone directory, October 1977. Northwestern Bell Telephone Company; 170ct77; A910607.

4910608. Northern Kentucky suburban Criss-cross directory, addressakey and telokey. 1978. O Haines and company. Inc.; 240ct77;



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