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A91043 - A910180


JUL-DEC. 1977

A910141t2 (con.) GeoEge Kalenga Siauisga; llOct??; 49101H2-

&910l|lt3. A Stad? of the effects of a social skills ioterveotiou on the cognitive lOcal developttent of eight, nine and ten year olds. By Checyl Lynn Kabelick. Hicrofila. e Cheryl Lynn Kubelick; 11lOct77: AgiMIJS.

A910«ll'«. Enhancesent of chronic murine cyto— neqalovirus infection by p.llograft and inmunosuppression. By Brxan Chih-tzu Hu. Bicrofila. Brian chih-tzu lu; 1*Oct77; A9 10444.

A910445. A COBparative stady of aethods of eTaluatia.g library education students in O.K. and D.S.A. By Jashu Purushottai Patel. HicrofilB. Jashu Purushottam Patel: iqoct77! A910445.

1910446. 1 Conceptual framework for death education for nurses. By Aurora Barbara Coyne. nicrofilm. O lurora Barbara Coyne: 140ct77: A910446.

1910447. Educational specifications for the design of comprehensive secondary schools in Pennsylvania. By Thomas John Frank & James John Vater. Microfilm. Thomas John Frank G James John Vater; 140ct77; A910447.

A910448. The Ose of matching models as an instructional planning and staff develo1>ment strategy and its effects on reading performance of students. By Patricia Ann Gennari. nicrofilm. O Patricia Inn Gennari; 140ct77; A910448.

A910449. The Division of information processing labor between user and support system; exploration of a concept. By Charlene Kamila Uobertson. nicrofilm. Charlene Kamila Robertson; 140ct77: A910449.

A910450. Competence of the licensed practical nurse in a skilled nursing facility in western Pennsylvania. By Anna Elizabeth Naqner. Microfilm. O Anna Elizabeth Baqner: 140ct77; 1910450.

A910451. Toe Effect of a reading activities program upon the self-concept and reading achievement of primary grade pupils. By Patricia Ann Rupee, nicrofilm. O Patricia Ann Kupec; 140ct77: A910451.

1910452. The Muslim Filipino rebellion meaning and challenges to the mission and ministry of the Christian church in the Philip- pines. By Hilario Moliion Gomez, Jr. Microfilm. Hilario noli jon Gomez* Jr. ; 1«Oct77: 1910452.

1910 453. Treatment outcome in chemical substance abuse as perceived by the client, therapist, and a significant other. By Gerald Paul Petersen. Microfilm. Gerald Paul Petersen: 140ct77; 19 10 453.

A910454. Evidence of a Jewish proselytizing tendency in the old Greek <Septuagint) version of the Book of Isaiah; a contribution to the study of Jewish proselytism in the period of the Second Commonwealth. By B6bert Peter Vande Kappelle. Hicrofiin. Bobert Peter Tande Kappelle; 1«Oct77; A910454.

1910455. Identification of statutory duties of the school board and the superintendent of schools as enunerated in the pubic school code of 1949 and the status of execution of certain statutory duties in the CoBmonuealth of Pennsylvania. By Kichael Gerard Potrocky. Microfila. Michael Gerard Potrocky; 140ct77; A910455.

A910456. The Ei.usiveness of adDioistrativc reform strategies for national development: a comparative view. By Hsiao-hung Nancy Chen, nicrofilm. Hsiao'hung Nancy Chen; 140ct77; 1910456.

A910457. Voluntary support o£ public community colleges in Pennsylvania. By Nicholas A. Colafella. nicrofilm. O Nicholas A. Colafella; 140ct77; 1910457. infants during feedings. By Judith Dunbar. Nicrofilm. O Judith Dunbar; 140ct77; A910457. A91045B. A Comparative study of higher education extension: formulation of an urban community extension model. By Vernon Phillip Deines. Microfilm. 6 Vernon Phillip Deines; 140ct77; A910458.

A910459. The Design, implementation and evaluation of a group supervision workshop utilizing the assumptions of reality therapy. By Betty Sue Schaughency. nicrofilm. C Betty Sue Schaughency; 140ct77; A910459.

A910460. Personal and academic characteristics of black athletes in NCAA, division 1: universities. By Herbert Charles Smith, nicrofilm. Herbert Charles Smith; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); A910460.

A9104ei. The Fiction of reality and fantasy in Uilliam Goldman. By Richard Arnold Andersen. nicrofilm. O Richard Arnold Andersen; 140ct77; A910461.

A910462. The Belationship between freguency of attendance and social-emotional and cognitive development in preschool children. By nari Doren Stoner. nicrofilm. Mari Daren Stoner; 14Cct77: A910462.

A910463. Field dependence and short-term memory. By Elizabeth Berger. nicrofilm. O Elizabeth Berger; 140ct77: A910463.

1910464. An Information theoretic analysis of specific learning and cognition tasks of second and sixth grade subjects classified as to Piagetian developmental levels. By Bonnie Lee Johnson Dean. Microfilm. Bonnie Lee Johnson Dean; 140ct77; 1910464.

19 i 0465. Relationships between teacher behaviors and pupil achievement in the psychomotor domain. By Beverly Johnson Yerg. nicrofilm. O Beverly Johnson Yerg; 140ct77i 1910465.

1910466. Development of a manual to aid Pennsylvania school districts in implementing mandates on fair employment. By Bosanka Evosevic. nicrofilm. O Bosanka Evosevic; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976): 1910466.

A910468. A Methodological study of librarian and community attitudes concerning public library phonorecord collections in Allegheny County. By frank Uiiiiam Hoffmann. nicrofilm. C Frank uilliam ftoftmaun; 140ct77; 1910468.

A910469. Comprehensive planning in selected research universities. By Jack E. Freeman, nicrofilm. Jack £. Freeman; 14Cct77; 1910469.

1910470. Hoa Hao Oniversity: its first five years with particular attention to tjie role of development strategies in its Ifounding and development. By Sang Le Phuoc. aicrofiln. Sang Le Phuoc; 140ct77; 1910470.

=t behaviors with newborn A910471. Case studies of management by objectives system prototypes in selected school districts. By Villiam James Gar bey. Microfilm. Uilliam James Garbey; I40ct77 (in notice: 1976); 1910471.

1910 472. Computer-based simulation and tutorials for analysis and improvement of teachers' questioning skills. By Kathleen Mary Swigger. Microfilm. O Kathleen Mary Swigger; 140ct77; 1910472.

1910473. Studies of giant cell metabolism, formation, and division in Blepharisma japonicuB. By Astrid Teda Colon O'Neill. Microfilm. Istrid Yeda Colon O'Neill; 140ct77; A910473.

A910474. Del vanguardismo en el teatro de Ramon Gomez De La Serna. By Jorge Yviricu. Microfilm. @ Jorge Yviricu; 140ct77; A910474.

A910475. Charilaos Trikoupes and the moder- nization of Greece, 1874-1894. By Alexander Nicholaou Damianakos. nicrofilm. Alexander Kicholaou Damianakos; 140ct77: 1910475:

1910476. Minority graduate students as scarce and valued resources: perceptions related to the assessment of effectiveness at tfte Oniversity of Iowa. By Thomas Uilliam Zeidel. Microfilm. Thomas Uilliam Zeidel; 140ct77: 1910476.

A910477. Customs union, monetary union, and economic integration in north-west Africa. By Aleya Darmoul. nicrofilm. 6 Aleya Darmoul; 140ct77; A910477.

A910478. The Songs of Charles Tomlinson Griffes. By Richard Oscar Johnson. Microfilm. Appl. states all new material except musical examples, poems & verses. O Richard Oscar Johnson; 140ct77; 1910478.

1910479. 1 Comprehensive performance project in viola literature and a stylistic study of string quartets 1-13 of Dmitri Shos- takovich. By Russell Edward nunneke. nicrofilm. Appl. states all new material except musical examples. O Russell Edward Munneke; 140ct77; 1910479.


yiolin pedagogy of lore Haldbauer. By


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