JUL-DEC. 1977
4910399. SecuritT tips for children. Created & developed by J. J. Kinq, U. 1. Denny £ Lillian B. Taylor. 22 p. J. J. King, U. it. Denny C Lillian B. Taylor: 1iuq77: A910399.
i9iaaoo. Book jf lyrics. No. 2. By Jeanette Louise Beach. S p. Q Jeanette Louise Beach; 20Sep77; i910it00.
A910401. Proqressive wonder. 1 p. Appl. au: Paul Ezra. C Paul Ezra; 50ct77; A910401.
A910U02. California Eyecare Plan; dispensii^q techniques and C.E.P. procedures. 1 v. Appl. au; Dianne Piastro. O California Eyecare Plan: 18Aaq77: A910't02.
A910403. A Surnaae quide to beads of faailies and landowners of Uindhan County* Veraont in the year 1870. Conpiled by Joan M. aorris. 97 p. Add. ti: 1870 heads of faailies and landowners* Uindhaa County* Veroont. UN: coapilation. O Joan H. Horris; 25Auq77: A9101103.
A910l|0lt. Graphinq: nath work-teit 2. 50 p. Appl. au: Denise chepiian C fSalcola Kasparian* Jr. O Halcola Kasparian* Jr. d.b.a. TKC: 70ct77; A910lt04.
A9101105. Devrinol selective herbicide for qreat weed control in California toaatoes and peppers. Folder- Stauffei Cheaical Coopany: 11Sep77; A910iiOS.
A910iia6. DyfOQate 20-G insecticide qives consistent* dependable rootwora control without resistance problems. Folder. Staiffer Cheaical Coapanv; 113ep77; A910406.
A91U1.07. Eptaa selective herbicide for alfalfa weed control boosts yields and life of stand. Kolder. e Stauffer Cheaicai Coapany; 11Sep77: A910807.
A9101I08. Ose Vernaa selective herbicide, the backbone of any peanut weed control proqraa. folder. Staaffer Cheaicai Coapany; 11Sep77: A910408.
A910409. Ose Sutan* selective herbicide and atrazlne for weed control you can depend on* rain or shine. Folder. U Stauffer Ch'=-aicai Coapany: nscp77; A910<i09.
A9ia410. Beauty and relaxation. By Christine Barie. oseud. of Christine Harie Cenkner. 1 p. Add. ti; 7oqa for everyone. Christine Harie Cenkner: 22Auq77; A9IOi|ia.
A9 101411. Sinterski •77-«78: saqa of liqht. 15 p. O uinterski Publications, Inc.; 80ct77:
A910412. Financial «udit service, Septeaber 20, 1977. Sheets. Q Conning and Coapany: 20Sep77; A910412.
4910413. anion wire rope sling handbook. 4 p. O Araco steel Corporation; 250ct77: 4910413.
49104111. 5-inch bead doll. 2 p. Appl. au:
- 9104t1.
Virginia Pontow. Virginia Pontov; 21Juii77; A910I114.
A910415. The Syntony instinct. 120 p. (Arica; the hyperqnostic systeas* book 3) Appl. au: Ichazo. NH; revisions & additions. O Arica Institute* Inc. ; 19Apr77; A910I415.
4910416. The Past at present in Issaguah* Nashinqton. By Edwards fi. Fish* original sketches by Harriet 0. Fish. 201 p. NH: additions. O The Estate of Edwards B. Fish, executor: Harriet a. Fish (in notice; Edwards B. Fish) : 24Jun77 (in notice: 1967); 4910416.
4910417. Guild guitars. 8 p. 4ppl. au: John F. Giaa. NM: additions. O John F. Giaa; 10ct77; 49)0417.
A91041B. Nieaan*s Handbook on trusts. By Harvey n. Neiaan. 66 p. O Harvey H. Heiaan: 9Hay77; A910418.
A910419. The Great Beyond^s perpetual aotion. 1 p. Appl. au; Ferdinand Pribyl. Ferdinand Pribyl; 22Sep77: A910419.
A910420. Dyson fork inspection schedule. 1 p. O Jos. Dyson and Sons* Inc.; 12Sep77: A910420.
4910421. Syracuse poeas and stories* 1977. Selection £ foreword by Donald 4. Dike* illus. by the Departaent of Visual Cooaunication* Syracuse University. Sheets 29 p. in folder. O The Departaent of Enoiish of Syracuse Oniversity; 10ct77: 4910421.
4910422. survey of school district residents. 4 p. d Springsted* Inc.; 26Sep77; 4910422.
4910423. Obii*jrvatious on foster teens* actions and foster parent reactions. By Hary £. Ueistroffer. 1 v. HB: additions 6 revisions. Mary E. Ueistroffer; 6Sep77; 4910423.
4910424. Young's 1971-1972 casters, glides* carts. Cataloq no. 95-3. 1 v. The Paul 0. Young Coapany; 280ct7!; 4910424.
A910425. The Siater aiser. 1 p. Appl. au: Thouas a. Brent. O Ihoaas E. Brent; 30Jun77; A910425.
4910426. Joy to the world (all the knives and forks) By Gayla Fike. 1 p. Gafla Fike; 11JU177: 4910426.
4910427. Little dog. By Sean Yeedell* pseud, of Julius 4. Brenner. 1 p. d Ohio Diesel Technical Institute a.k.a. ODTI; 1Sep77; 4910427.
4910430. Go cliab a rung By Sean Yeedell* pseud. of Julius A. Brenner. 1 p. Ohio Diesel Technical Institute a.k.a. ODTI; 1Sep77; A910 430.
A9104J1. Goodhue County rural identification directory* 1977. 78 p. Appl. au; Leonard Loderaeier* Villiaa Nason G Helen L. Batson. Goodhue County Gural Iden- tification Systea; 25Auq77; A9 10431.
A910432. Effectiveness of conputer assisted instruction with socially/emotionally disturbed children. By Edward Leslie Haberaan. Microfiln. O Edward Leslie Haberaan; 140ct77; A910432.
4910433. The Educational specialist: an exploratory analysis of an innovative educational role. By Patricia Sue Hartnett. Microfila. Patricia Sue Hartnett; 140ct77; 4910433.
4910434. Characteristics of five coaauuity living arrangeaents serving aentally retarded adults. By Bayoond Frederick Holaes. Microfila. 6 Bayoond Frederick Holaes; 140ct77: A910434.
A9104J5. Education and colonialisa in a plantation society: Guyana, 1914-1966. By Budolph Paroanand Mattai. Microfila. Budolph Paraanand Mattai; 140ct77; A910435-
A9ia436. A Coaparative study of the effects' of assertive training and career decision- aaking coanseling on self-concept, self-actualization and feelings of inadequacy of adult woaen coaaunity college students. By Bachel Johnson Poole. Microfila. 6 Bachel Johnson Poole: 140ct77; A910436.
491C437. 4 Test of a Bodel of vocabulary learning. By Martina Magenau Jacobs. Hlciofila. O Kartina Hagenau Jacobs; 140ct77; 4910437.
4910438. Teachers and aedia resources in selected Appalachian secondary schools: a study of attitudes* usage, and knowledge of aedia center fundamentals. By Joann Vedder fiogers. Microfila. Joann Vedder Bogers; 140ct77: A910438.
A910439. The Professional development needs of faculty as viewed by selected acadeaic dea:!s. By Anna Callista Araand. Microfila. O Anna Callista 4raa^_; 140ct77; 4910439.
4910440. A Study of policies and procedures employed in the utilization of part-tiae* continuing e'^ucation/coaounity service instrucrionai personnel at Pennsylvania coaaunity colleges. By Uilliaa Kirk Bauer. Microfila. e Uilliaa Kirk Bauer; 140ct77; A910440.
A910428. Our forest. By Sean Yeedell, pseud, of Julius A. Brenner. 1 p. ^ Ohio Diesel Technical Institute a.k.a. ODTI; 1Sep77; A91C428.
4910429. Graduation day By Sean Yeedell, pseud, of Julius 4. Brenner. 1 p. O Ohio Diesel Technical Institute a.k.a. ODTI; 1Sep77; 4910429.
A910441. Effects of group counseling on the self-concept of students identified as deviant. By Thoaas J. Boyle. Microfila. Thoaas J. Boyle; 140ct77; A910441.
A910442. Corporate autonomy and government control; a study of throe state enter- prises under a national planned developing economy, Indeco, BOC, and NCCM of Zaabia.
By George Kalenga Simwinga. Microfilm.
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