JUL-DEC. 1977
A874315 (con.) Hendon: 15Jun77
A87U315. (in notice: 1976) ;
A871I316. Tlie Saint Louis Syaphony Orchestra, 1931 to 1958. By Bicliard Eduard Hueller. Microfilm. Fichard Edward Haeller; 15Jiin77 (in notice: 1976); S87U316.
A87U317. The TreatBent of Arabs in norld history books used by senior high schools of the city and county of Saint Louis, Missouri, 1974-1975. By George lounan Sedlci. NicrofilB. C George Younan Sed)(i; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4874317.
A8711318. The Intrinsic value of art education for K-12 students. By Verneta Sevier- Microfilm. Verneta Se»ier: 1 5Jun77 (in notice: 1976): A874318.
A8714319. The improvement of student creativity through theoretical knowledge of creativity while utilizing formal and informal curriculum materials. By Sister Mary Eleanor Moore, C.S.J. Hicrofili. <} Sister Mary Eleanor Moore, C.S.J. : 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A87H319.
A87U320. An Analysis of tasks of occupational home economics teachers in secondary schools of Alabama with implications for a competency-based teacher education program in home economics. By Margaret Ann B. Balentine. Microfilm. C Margaret Ann B, Balentine: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A87i|320.
A87I4321. A Sectarian religious organization in heterogeneous society: the Churches of Christ and the plain-folk of the transmontane Mid-south. By Charles Allen Scarboro. Microfilm. © Charles Allen Scarboro; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976): A8711321.
A8711322. The Christological form of Georg Iraki's poetry. By Erasmo Spyros Leiva. Microfilm. C Erasmo Spyros Leiva; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A87it322.
A871I323. A Study of educational issues in Georgia as perceived by members of the 1975 Georgia General Assembly. By Julian Timothy Cope. Microfilm. Q Julian Timothy Cope; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A874323.
A87a324. Organizations and clients: a method for the investigation of verbal exchanges between agents and clients. By John Patrick Burke. Microfilm. John Patrick Burke: 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A871t32a.
A87U325. The Theory of denominator sets as a new mode in the presentation and explanation of fractions. By Rosemary King, Microfilm. C Eosemary King; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A8711325.
A874326. A Study of the effect of disseminating occupational information via the Missouri vital information for education and work system on the vocational maturity of senior high school students. By James Harold Harris. Microfilm. O James Harold Harris; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A874326.
A3711327. A Needs assessment survey of adoption services in Missouri. By Joyce Patricia Dees Brockhaus. Microfilm. Joyce Patricia Dees Brockhaus; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A874327.
A874328. Rural-urban migration in the Anambra and Imo States of Nigeria: basic economic implications. By Gregory Chukwukere Ohaii. Microfilm, d Gregory Chukwukere Oha-ji; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A87I4328.
A874329. Community- college/engineering- school articulation in Missouri. By William Francis Schallert. Microfilm. C Hilliam Francis Schallert; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A87it329.
A87lt330. Temporal analysis of English and Spanish narratives. By Theresa Herrera De Johnson. Microfilm. O Teresa Herrera De Johnson; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A871t330.
A871I331. Pyramood. Appl. au: Rodney Le Roie Uallace. C Rodney Le Roie Wallace; 270ct76; A874331.
4874332. God, you and me; structured form. Polder. Galacticly Joked Matrix Corporation; 150ct76; A874332.
AB74333. God, you and me; free form. Folder. d Galacticly Yoked Matrix Corporation; 150ct76; A874333.
A874334. Forms and Surfaces acoustical systems in wood and metal. 15 p. 6 Forms and Surfaces, Inc.; 1Jun77; i874334.
A874335. Successful selling depends on positive thinking. Folder. (Sales performance plus) e Clemprint, Inc.; 2May77; A874335.
A874336. How to sell the prospect who says, "I want to wait until times are better." Folder. (Sales performance plus) e Clemprint, Inc.; 9May77; A874336.
A874337. Good sales people are prepared to answer questions. Folder. (Sales performance plus) e Clemprint, Inc.; 16May77; A874337.
4674338. How to get the most from visual presentations. Folder. (Sales per- formance plus) © Clemprint, Inc.; 23May77; A87433e.
A874339. Plan your own sales campaign. Folder. (Sales performance plus) d Clemprint, Inc.; 30May77; 4874339.
A874340. How to "start" and "stop" letters. Folder. (Letter perfect, reference 282) Clemprint, Inc. ; 2May77; A874340.
4874341. Acknowledge all application letters. Folder. (Letter perfect, reference 283) O Clemprint. Inc.; 9May77; 4874341.
A874342. How's that again. Coach? Folder. (Letter perfect, reference 284) O Clemprint, Inc.; 16May77; A874342. throughl Folder. (Letter perfect, reference 285) Clemprint, Inc.; 23llay77: i87«343.
A874344. Not-to-be-believed department. Folder. (Letter perfect, reference 286) O Clemprint, Inc.; 30May77; A874344.
A87434S. Quitting early is quitting too soon. Folder. O Clemprint, Inc.; 2Hay77; 4874345.
A874346. Let's not keep each other waitingi Folder. O Clemprint, Inc.; 16Hay77; 4874346.
A874347. which supervisor got the promotion? By Carl Heyel. Folder. (The Better-work supervisor. May 2, 1977) Appl. au: Clemprint, Inc. Clemprint. Inc.; 2May77; A874347.
4874348. Friendly cooperation with others opens the door to good jobs, good business and good friends. Folder. C Clemprint, Inc.; 30May77; 4874348.
A874349. Superteen photo album. No. 2. Editorial director: Roseann C. Hirsch, photo, editor: Roger Glazer. 46 p. Add. ti: Superteen album number 2. Ster- ling's Magazines, Inc.; 21Jun77; A874349.
4874350. Charles Simonds. 16 p. Add. ti: Charles Simonds: Temenos. Appl. au: Linda L. Cathcart. O The Buffalo Fine 4rts 4cademy; 10Jun77; 4874350.
4874351. Cleve Gray: paintings, 1966-1977. with an essay by Thomas B. Hess 6 a foreword by Robert T. Buck, Jr. 64 p. The Buffalo Fine Arts Academy; 10Jun77 (in notice: 1976); 4874351.
4874352. Lake of the Ozarks, MO, telephone directory, June 1977. 6 Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 1Jun77; A874352.
A874353. Section 2, part 4. By Richard Freeman. 8 p. O Richard Freeman: 30Jun77; 4874353.
4874354. L'amnia. 1 p. Appl. au: Josie M. Pike. e Josie M. Pike; 15Feb77; 4874354.
4874355. The Belting potpouriz. No. 1. By Frank Latimore Kline. 3 p. C Frank Latimore Kline; 1Jul77; 4874355.
4874356. 4 Checklist of Iowa State documents, 1938-1955. Compiled by John Newman olsgaard. 1 v. 6 John N. Olsgaard; 15Jun77; 4874356.
4674357. The Irrigation Association 1977 technical conference proceedings "Irrigation For All Reasons." 160 p. Add. ti: lA, 1977 annual technical conference proceedings. Conference held in Salt Lake City, Otah, Feb. 13-15, 1977. O The Irrigation Association; 1Jun77; A874357.
4874356. -30 caliber carbine cartridge checklist, June 1977. 1 V. 4ppl. au: John Douglas
Edgar. © John Edgar; 1Jal77; 4874358.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.