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A910054 - AS10096


JUL-DEC. 1977

BOOKS e PAHPHLETS DEC. 1977 1910053 (con.l Serck (Haciorie Secck) . 16 p. Hacqe Serck: 180ct77: »910053.

A91005lt. h Hoodwork origiDal crenel. Rritten £ illustrated by Hacy aebb Hood. 13 p. O Barr Hebb Hood; SOct77: A91005«.

»9 10055. Charles Fitz-Gef frey 's elegies on Prince Renrv: a tcanslation and study. By Bebecca Lynn Pitts Jones. 59 p. Latin & English. Bebecca Lyon Pitts Jones; 20Aug77; 4910055.

t9 10056. Insider; Pocd"s continuing series of college nevspaper supplements. 23 p. 13-30 Corporation; 30Sep77; A91&056.

A9 10057. Hhat every patient should kno« before going under the knife. 5 p. O IM-Focbs«  Inc.; 150ct77; A910057.

A910058. French for travel. By Eaaett Barvey Anderson, Jr. & Jaaes Hurray Vest. 1 v. Eaaett g. Anderson & Jaies H. Vest; 280ct77: A9 10058.

A9 10059. Here is your Indiana governaent, 1977/1978. 18th ed. 170 p. Indiana State chanber of coanerce; 220ct77; A910059.

A910060. Badio/reris^a-CATEDBA. 56 p. Appl. au: BaBon Fernandez Cortina--PeracBon. O Baaon Fernandez Cortina; 25oct77; A910060.

A910061. The Adainistrative processing systeas handbook. 1 v. Xerox Corporation; 25Aug77: A910061.

A9 10062. Cuaaulative (sic) ausic skills chart. Card. Appl. au: Alice a. Hooi. Alice N. Booi: 2NOT77: A910062.

A910063. The Living iiindoii. By SCL-B. Folder. O SOL-a Products: 280ct77; A910063.

A910064. Hel Bay's £-z christaas songs for 5 string banio. By David Taylor. 21 p. NH; coapilation £ new acranqeaents. O Bel Bay Publications. Inc.; 2llov77; A9I006U.

A910065. Husic: a priaer for aature ainds, Busical history, developaent and baraonization. By J. Halter Hilson C Bary Ellen Hilson. 13 p. J. Halter Hilson 6 Bary Ellen Hilson (in notice: Hilson 6 Hilson); 310ct77; A910065.

A9100e6. The Instant vorld language. By Alfred Berendt. 201 p. Add. ti: Berendt: the instant vorld language. Alfred Berendt; 2NOV77: A910066.

A910067. Bon the little polar bear becaae a solar bear. By Everett B. Foi. 1 ». Leonard T. Kielstroa & Linda Lee Kielstron; 31Cct77: A910067.

A910068. The Secrets of hov to break the saoking habit. By Bettye Bobbitt Boven. 54 p. Appl. states all uev except chap. 2, which was reprinted with peraission. Bettye Bobbitt Bowen; 1l|Sep77; A9 10068.

A910069. Barvard Business School cases; 5-678-033, and others. Hultiple voluaes. Appl. au: Harvard Oniversity Graduate School of Business Adainistration. O president and Fellows of Harvard college; 23Sep77; A910069.

A910070. Harvard Business School cases: 1-577-197, and others. Hultiple voluaes. Appl. au; Harvard University Graduate School of Business Adainistration. O President and fellows of Harvard College; 16Sep77; A910070.

A910071. Harvard Business School cases: it-678-005, and others. Hultiple voluaes. Appl. au: Harvard Oniversity Graduate School of Business Adainistration. President and Fellows of Harvard College; 19Sep77; A910071.

A910072. Harvard Business School cases: 1-378-036, and others. Hultiple voluaes. Appl. au: Harvard Oniversity Graduate School of Business Adainistration. O President and Fellows of Harvard College: 12Sep77: A9 10072.

A910073. Prograa for 128th annual coaaunicatioi of the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Hasons of California, October 10 through 13, 1977, at San Francisco. 32 p. Add. ti; 128th annual coaaunication: "flasonry on the aove." Appl. au: Verne N. Hendrix. Grand Lodge F. and A. H. of California; It0ct77; A910073.

A9100711. A Few haiku. By Aaelia Boodie Fickel, illus. by Hariaa Staapfle. 1 v. BH: illus. Aaelia B. Fickel; 220ct77; A91007lt.

A910075. Diet Control Centers Bulti-Protein Slin protein. 23 p. Appl. au: Jacqueline Greenspan, fiuth Landesberq & fiuth Lipp. Diet Control Centers, Inc.; 21Sep77; A910075.

A910076. Dyads, triads and other vicious circles. By Deana L. Sanders t, S. Connie Bead. 79 p. Deana L. Sanders & S. Connie Bead; 27JU177: A910076.

A910077. The Hanageaent of hyperlipideaia. 25 p. 6 Ayerst Laboratories, division of Aaerican Hoae Products Corporation; 240ct77; A910Q77.

A910078. Your creative Bind is your world. 70 p. Appl. au: Elroy J. Beraan. Elroy J. Heraan; 25Sep77; 4910078.

A910079. First fonic Parsi: a pronouncing gazetteer. 122 p. Appl. au: Hax Theodore Taylor 6 Joan Accardi. UH: transli- teration G revisions. Bax Taylor, Inc., e Joan Accardi: 2Ilov77: A910079.

A910080. Children in the light; the traosforaed hoaosexuality of the new age. By Leslie Elliott. 107 p. O Leslie Elliott; 1Sep77; A910080.

A9 10081. Essays on the huaan geography of tiie Southeastern United States. Voluae editor: David c. Heaver, general editor: John c. Upchurch. 90 p. (Hest Georgia college studies in the social sciences, vol. 16, June 1977) O Hest Georgia college; 2liov77; A910081.

A910082. A Guide to iapleaent the voluntary quality control review program for CPA firas; quality control policies and procedures for participating CPA firms. 30 p. O Aaerican Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 270ct77; A910082.

A910083. The Greatest help. By Santos Cuevas. 115 p. Branden Press. Inc.; 310ct77; A910083.

A9ia08l|. The Hydroponic handbook: a guide to gardening without soil. By Jaaes Revoir, design e illus. by Bruce G. Bills. 15 p. Pacific AquaCulture, Inc.; 150ct77; 4910084.

A910085. The Gay theology. By Kent Pbilpott. 194 p. Logos International; 140ct77; A910085.

A9100e6. Coping at hoae with cancer, for parents, by a parent. By Nina Cottrell. 24 p. O Children's Hospital of Saint Paul; 10ct77; 4910086.

4910087. Helcoae to the past: SO historic restorations in southern California; a visitors* guide. 18 p. Appl. au: Halter B. Forbes S Brs. Halter B. Forbes. C Brs. Halter P. Forbes; 130ct77: 4910087.

A910088. By feet are strangers, and other poeas, 1923-1976. By John Halliday HcCoraick. 55 p. O John Halliday HcCoraick: 200ct77; A910088.

A910089. Hetrospectroscope; insights into aedical discovery. By Julius H. Coaroe, Jr. 182 p. These essays prev. pub. in Aaerican review of respiratory disease, 1975-1977. NB: additional text, revision, editing, indexing 6 coapilation. O Julius H. Coaroe, Jr.; 3Nov77: A910089.

4910090. Bevised pages of the Stationery and office supply price list coapilation, Noveaber 2, 1977. 1 v. O Stationers Price Service Coapany; 21iov77: 4910090.

A910091. Dear HooKraf Tsaan: letter service, October 15, 1977. p. 882-885. Add. ti: Letter service: Dear HooKraf Tsaan, October 15, 1977. e Sturbridge corporation; 150ct77; A910091.

A910092. Dear HooKraf Tsaan: advertising letter. October 15, 1977. 4 p. C Sturbridge Corporation; 150ct77: 4910092.

4910093. Creating alternatives. 1 v. Appl. au: Hilliaa J. Altier. Princeton Asso- ciates, Inc.; 19Sep77: A910093.

A910094. New product ideation. 1 v. Appl. au: Hilliaa J. Altier. Princeton Asso- ciates, Inc.; 29Aug77; A910094.

A910095. Hew plant startup. 1 v. Appl. au: Hilliaa J. Altier. O Princeton Asso- ciates, Inc.; 30Jun77; A910095.

A910096. I like to read because it's fun and easy! By Douglas J. Gow, cartoons by fiod Savely. 96 p. O Douglas J. Gow; 3Nov77:



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