1909940 - i909981
JUL-DEC. 1977
49099110. Ficst weeks of vork. Author: Gordon G. Bacneuall, editor: Bichard H. irlie, artist: Ted Nuttall. 9 p. Belevant Productions, Inc.; 20Oct76: iSOgouo.
4909941. The Consuner and metrics. Authors: Stephen i. shechtgan E Bichard E. Hylie, artist: Sharon A. Hodd. 9 p. Add. ti: The Consuner and the netric systes. Belevant Productions, Inc.; 23Sep75: A9099m.
A909942. Establishinq credit. Author: Bichard E. Uylie, artist: George Lafayette. 9 p. Belevant Productions. Inc.; 200ct7e: A909942.
A909943. Nutrition. Author: Sister llary Arthur, I.H.H.. editor: Bichard E. iylie. 13 p. O Belevant Productions, Inc.; 23Sep75: A909943.
A909944- Rhat you should knoH about insurance. Author: lee a. Slosberq, editor: Bichard E. Hylie. artist: Debra Klinsan. 12 p. e Relevant Productions, Inc.; 23Sep75; A909944.
A909945. Consumer laws. Author: Bichard E. Nylie. 9 p. G Belevant Productions, Inc.: 50ct76 (in notice: 1975): A909945.
A909946. Hauaqinq metrics; 22 conprebensive lessons for students, teachers and parents. By Harqaret Boudreau. 2 p. & cards in envelope. S Marqaret Boudreau; 1Sep77; A909946.
A909947. The Opera lover. Poems by David Kirby. 30 p. NH: additional text & compilation of prev. pub. material. 6 David Kirby; 20l!ay77; A909947.
A909948. Small qame huntinq. By Clyde ormond, animal photos, by Leonard Lee Bue 3rd, draiiinqs by Douglas Allen. 2nd ed. , rev. £ updated, 1977. 126 p. C Clyde Oraond; 240ct77: A9099a8.
A909949. Buntinq the vhitetail deer. By Bussell Tinsley. 2nd ed. , rev. & updated, 1977. 182 p. e Bussell Tinsley: 2aoct77: A909949.
A909950. Game bird huntinq. By P. Philip Bice £ John I. Dahl. 2nd ed. , rev. e updated, 1977. 190 p. e F. Philip Bice e John I. Dahl; 240ct77; A909950.
A909951. Practical will draftinq, 1977. By aichael J. Reinberqer. 288 p. (Tax lav and estate planninq series) (Estate planning and administration course handbook series, no. 82) Appl, au: Practisinq Law Institute. Appl. states no copyriqht claimed in Government material. NH: compilation G additional text. Q Practisinq Law Institute; 3Nov77; A909951.
A909952. Equipment leasinq, 1977: new deve- lopments. 416 p. (Commercial law and practice course handbook series, no. 171) Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. NH : compilation & additional text. Practising Law Institute; 200ct77: A909952.
A909953. ESOPs and TBASOPs, employee stock ownership plans. 480 p. (Tax law and estate planninq series) (Tax law and practice course handbook series, no. 112) Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. NH: compilation e additional text. 6 Practising Law Institute; 170ct77; A909953.
4909954. Patent bar review course- Vol- 1-2. Edited by John D. Kaufmann. (Patents, copyrights, trademarks and literary property program materials, 1977) Appl. au: Pracitising Law Institute- Appl. states no copyriqht claimed in Government material- NH: compilation e additional text. Practising Law Institute; 21Jan77; A909954.
A909955- Heckly money market with daily and weekly rate charts, week ending November 3, 1977. 15 p. Appl. au: Bobert P. Sanna £ Kalvin B- Boesch. O Quantitative Analysis Service; 4Nov77 ; A909955.
A909956- Full key list summary, month ending October 31, 1977, week ending November 1, 1977. weekly charts, week ending November 1, 1977- 2 V. Appl. au: Robert p. Sanna £ Halvin B. Boesch. Quantitative 4nalysis Service; 31iov77; 4909956.
A909957. International market indices, week ending November 4, 1977. 18 p. Appl. au: Bobert P. Sanna £ dalvin B. Boesch. © Quantitative Analysis Service; 7Nov77; A90 9957.
A909958. International market indices, week ending October 28, 1977. 18 p. Appl. au: Bobert P. Sanna £ Halvin B. Boesch. e Quantitative Analysis Service; 310ct77; A909958.
A909959. aonthly charts, month ending October 31, 1977- 467 p. Appl- au: Bobert P. Sanna G Malvin B. Boesch. O Quantitative Analysis Service: 1Nov77; A909959.
4909960. Play ball with (sponsor) and win $1,000,000.00 in prizes. Folders. Appl- au: Charles Polin- Q Charles Polin; 1Ji;n77; A909960-
A909961. It's kickoff time at sponsor- Folders- Appl. au: Charles Polin. S Charles Polin; 1Jun77; A909961.
A909962. Saiautha the Ghost insta-party mini pak. Kit. O Lucy T. Koilock; 80ct77; A909962.
A909963. Individualized instruction for elementary Spanish. By Barbara S. Lloyd. 1 V- e Barbara S- Lloyd; 2Sep77; A909963.
A909964. Case studies in business administration. Prepared by Charles B- Klasson- 1 v- Nfl: editorial compilation £ additional text- The Oniversity of Iowa (in notice: College of Business Administration, Oniversity of Iowa); 1Sep77; A909964-
4909965- 4 proposal for the preparation of a management information system pre- installation plan for meeting 0I1T4 section 15 requirements- Vol- 1: technical proposal- 1 V. Q Arthur Young and Company; 29Aug77: A909965.
A909966- Super-Bummy. Kit. Plastic creations. Inc.; 2aay77; A909966.
A909967. B 9247-15 1500 line-per-minute train printer; operator's manual- 1 v. Burroughs Corporation; 9Aug77; A909967.
A909968. nedium systems concepts/Cobol-68; instructor guide. Sheets. Q Burroughs Corporation; 29Scp77; A909968.
4909969. Scholastic scheduler; reference manual. 1 V. Prev. reg- 4830616 £ others. NH: additions £ revisions. Burroughs Corporation; 234ug77; 4909969.
A909970. B 800 processors illustrated parts catalog. Vol- 2, technical manual- 1 v- Prev. reg. A886786. KH: additions- Burroughs Corporation; 26Sep77; A909970-
A909971- Production control system 2; requi- rements planning module reference manual- 1 V. Prev. reg. A539996 £ 4698679. NH: additions £ revisions. Q Burroughs Corporation; 12Aug77; A909971.
4909972. Burroughs CHS production control system 1 work center and routing module; user's/operator's manual. 1 v. Q Burroughs Corporation; 30ct77; 4909972.
4909973. Production control system 1 ; stock status module capabilities manual. 1 v. e Burroughs Corporation; 130ct77; 4909973.
A909974. Data control system (DCS) ; modifications guide. 1 v. Q Burroughs Corporation; 14Sep77; 4909974.
A909975. CHS production control system 1 costing module; user's/operator's manual, prelim, ed. 1 V. e Burroughs Corporation; 16Sep77; A909975.
A909976. Scholastic scheduler capabilities manual. 1 v. Burroughs Corporation; 130ct77; A909976.
A909977. B 1700 systems Hanifest BBS capabilities manual. 1 v. Prev. reg. A806380. NH: additions £ revisions, e Burroughs Corporation; 23Sep77; A909977.
A909978. B 7000/B 6000 series bank information system customer information system; capabilities manual. 1 v. Burroughs corporation; 130ct77; A909978.
A909979. Production control system 1 ; work center and routing module capabilities manual. 1 V- e Burroughs Corporation; 40ct77; A909979.
A909980- Hedlum systems concepts/Cobol-68; student materials, sheets- O Burroughs Corporation; 1Jul77; A909980-
4909981. Audit-reporter vocabulary language (Vocal); user's manual. 1 v. Prev. reg. A811663- NH: additions £ revisions- © Burroughs Corporation; 13Sep77;
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.